NRA: Your Gun Control Experts
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, this dreadful statement.
“Nobody wants dangerous people to have access to firearms, which is why the NRA supports risk protection orders with adequate due process protections and ensure those adjudicated to be dangerously mentally ill receive treatment,” Jennifer Baker, a spokesperson for the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, said. “The NRA believes that any effort should be structured to fully protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while preventing truly dangerous individuals from accessing firearms. We will only support an [Emergency Risk Protection Order] process that strongly protects both Second Amendment rights and due process rights at the same time.”
Echoing Mack’s comments, why would bearing arms be a deterrent if folks didn’t think I was dangerous?
The NRA: the most well-funded, well-connected, effective, best-resourced gun control organization on the planet.
On February 14, 2019 at 9:06 am, George said:
The problem, of course, is that our dedicated boys in blue will be the ones who decide who are the dangerous people who should not be allowed to have firearms. The Judges will merely rubber stamp their decisions.
On February 14, 2019 at 9:17 am, Fred said:
Just to make sure, although I’m certain most who read this blog realize by now what’s happening here. This will have a purposeful chilling effect on firearms advocacy of all kinds; open carry, seeking new shooters, logical discussions on the role of government and the rights of men among family and acquaintances, striking up new friendships, and on and on.
This isn’t a slippery slope, this is the bottom of the hill, this is weapons seizures. The ‘mental health’ or ‘fitness test’ aspect is exactly how the Nazis did it, and the pitting of family, coworker, parishioner, neighbor against one another with the solicitation of good Party Loyalists as informants is exactly how the Soviets did it.
I’ve said before that we don’t yet know what the American Communists will be called in the future as they seem to be taking the ‘best’ of totalitarian programs and applying them with their own little twist but it’s certainly a new variant of that disease. And by American Communists I mean Democrats and Republicans, left and right, and non-voters alike, all who seek government for the purposes of control.
Look, nobody wants to talk about this stuff but this is an act of war upon the American people by a Republican president. Your brain damage of Choice-Supportive Bias for the current president makes you an enemy of all men who would be free. You, by supporting him, are a traitor to the constitution (I know) and the Republic. There are perhaps, at best, 5 percent of the population who even understand half of what is happening to them while ‘conservatives’ point and say; see how stupid the left is. They are not stupid, they want you dead and the plan is masterfully working with the help of the supposed opposition. The communists run every aspect; the long march is over and now being pushed down to the unit level in the military. The Revolution is coming literally any minute now.
It’s not an overstatement to say that; President Donald J. Trump has declared war on the American Gun Owner. What are you doing about that?
The news will show miles of new ‘wall’ on the southern border, the Plunge Protection Team will keep the markets floating enough, and the economy will appear to be good among those who actually vote, and Trump will get re-elected and then the gun seizures will exponentially increase with the support of the ‘right’ and ‘left’. Whatever your plan is it shouldn’t include considering a Trump win as another four year reprieve, that would be dangerously self-deceptive. I like(d) Trump and if he hadn’t broken covenant with the 2A or lied about it, he did both, then I would still like him such as he is, but we have to live in the reality of what is actually happening.
With a word, Trump could say; we’re not doing any gun control, turning the left back into a babbling ineffectual pile of rabble but Trump supports Gun Control. When he was recently in Texas he said; Come and take it, while the crowd went wild. Odd that, the man who said; go and take them, finding adulation among screaming throngs of brain damaged half retards in Texas. My only guess is that this is what Judgment looks like. It certainly fits the Old Testament pattern.
On February 14, 2019 at 12:17 pm, Towser said:
What Fred said. Other than that what could possibly be wrong with a little pre-crime law and enforcement. (tag/sarcasm)
As far as being dangerous it is like my wife wondering why our dogs only mind me and in the next sentence saying they are “terrified” of me. Note they are not “terrified” rather they sometimes remember there are consequences when they forget who is the Alpha of the pack.
On February 14, 2019 at 1:25 pm, Conrad said:
State level problems are emerging because they are getting Bluer in areas that disproportionately effect policy and law, and they are funded by wealthy ideologues. Trump can’t do anything about the gun fests Democrat legislators are having in WA or NV just as he can’t control Governors killing delivered babies and selling their body parts.
The dude is giving us a good second go-round of Trickle Down, get some hay into the brick kiln and build your walls.
On February 14, 2019 at 4:22 pm, Ethel Goodwin said:
The vast majority of courts are controlled by gun grabber leftists.
On February 14, 2019 at 4:54 pm, Pat Hines said:
The NRA has been snatching failure from the jaws of victory for about 90 years. They supported the restriction on shipping firearms via US mail, which forced them to be shipped via the now defunct Railway Express which was very expensive for the time.
Then they supported the NFA of 1934, telling members how they rescued handguns from that law, familiar yet?
Then there was the monstrous change that came with the Gun Control Act of 1968, which the NRA fully supported because that’s what brick and mortar gun stores wanted, they hated mail order firearms. The NRA worked as lobbyists for those gun stores.
Most that read this blog know what the NRA has supported since 1968, it’s a sorry record of supporting actual gun confiscation laws.
The NRA has even been a lobbyist for the BATFE from time to time, when talk of eliminating that unconstitutional agency, the NRA goes to bat for them.
On February 14, 2019 at 5:44 pm, GTRS said:
@ Pat Hines February 14, 2019 at 4:54 pm
You’re right on the money Pat.