DOJ Confiscates AR Pistols In California
BY Herschel Smith
Like David, I cannot comment on the orientation of the video. But watch the whole thing and read the comments to which David links.
The first mistake is living in California. The second mistake is registering guns. But of course as we all know, the intent of gun control isn’t to reduce crime, it’s to disarm peaceable men before the hordes and mobs, be they criminals or cops, but maybe I’m being redundant.
On February 15, 2019 at 1:23 am, Conrad said:
What’s a Militia rifle?
I think I’ve got one, it is a converted flintlock to percussion given to me by my Dad. George Washington’s Armorer is on my Mother’s top side. How do I surrender and expiate guilt by association? How do I give up the stuff I inherited from Grandpa Henry?
On February 15, 2019 at 10:04 am, J said:
Have sacrificial ones, then….
Cache Cache Cache.
On February 15, 2019 at 10:26 am, Fred said:
I hate to do this, it is not what I want, but here we are. There are several dynamics going on including that the lead is a Spaniard. As a Christian Englishman, and of other British Isles decent, reborn in the image of Christ Jesus in the manner of the post Reformation, I will not be surrendering my birthright, of Christ and my ancestors, to a Spaniard or a Negro. And, I won’t be surrendering these Duties, as clearly enumerated in the Holy Bible, of defense before Holy God to any of those of my own history who have had their soul destroyed by the devil and their brain damaged by the State.
The notion is an absurdity, to surrender weapons to one born of socialism since Constantine nationalized that Church, where a man stands as though he were Holy Christ, and now close to a billion socialist Spaniards who ancestrally don’t know of where or how a freeborn man gets his liberty, this shall not stand.
If you claim Christ on the one hand and don’t understand Him, nor his Holy Word because your Churches, like those under Roman rule have been nationalized in American, this is your own fault that your God has been reduced to a ward of the State, a Church to which I cannot submit. You, siding with Government as you are, cancel our brotherhood and you must beseech our LORD to bring you out of this destruction, of this new American Romanism of the Evangelical Church.
And I certainly won’t be apologizing to anybody for my Duty at arms. There is nothing wrong, and everything right about being a follower of our LORD Christ as a freeborn armed white man.
There are historical, ancestral, and anthropological dynamics that will not die hard and if it means being of a Biblical understanding as to what a Nation really is, then so be it, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
On February 15, 2019 at 11:13 am, George said:
Fred, with Trump signing the abomination he signed yesterday, in a relatively short time the whole country will be California. I guess that was probably the goal all along.
On February 15, 2019 at 1:20 pm, Fred said:
And, George, the NAFTA replacement that Trump recently signed is Agenda 2030, meant solely to accelerate the destruction of Western Civilization by corporate communism under the exact globalist lie, whispered in the ear of TPTB, told by the devil to Christ during the temptation; that all the kingdoms of world can be yours. A new Babel two point zero world utopia, how charming. Yes, let’s burn all the great works the West since the reformation to follow a lie that’s not new and not even cleaver, to affirm our duty bound submission to the holy diversity of neo liberalism.
On February 15, 2019 at 1:38 pm, Jack said:
This yet again reinforces my decision to leave CA for NC 3 years ago.
They eye-opening thing about moving to a free state was the economics–used guns in CA cost about 3 times more than they do in NC
On February 15, 2019 at 3:38 pm, Pat Hines said:
As a South Carolina native my decision to leave California in 2005 wasn’t hard. My wife, a CA resident since age 2, had more trepidation, but has since fit in very well. Of course, her being a retired US Army Nurse, had her much further along the correct political spectrum than some folks both she and I know.
Never register a weapon of any kind, no matter the state in which you live.
You must prepare to deal with thugs any time they show up at your door, cops in New Orleans post Katrina were breaking state and local laws when they confiscated thousands of firearms which were allowed to rust while a court moved to return them to their lawful owners. I don’t think any compensation was paid out for those damages.
Guard yourself, your family, and your property with the required level of violence.
On February 15, 2019 at 4:07 pm, Bill said:
What happened to “kill them at the door when they show up to violate your 2nd amendment” ???
On February 17, 2019 at 5:23 pm, Conrad said:
Bonnie, (Clyde’s girlfriend) commented in one of her poems that the Government would eventually, and always get you, and they sure got them.
If the Chinks can turn a man loose in a crowded city and find him in 30 minutes it kind of puts a new spin on starting a new life. There are no real benefits from match heads going off randomly, the Press spins all that as angry gun owners.
But I’m here to tell you, “you’re a good, law abiding guy, so, we’re not taking you to jail today.”
On February 17, 2019 at 8:35 pm, Gryphon said:
Gun Confiscation, One Piece at a Time, like This is a good example of how (IMO) that the .gov Understands the Logistics of even a Partial “Ban” of certain Weapons immediately leads to the Big Question – How Many Raids can be conducted each Day before the Bullets start coming at Them….
Others have done “Gun Raid Math” and shown conclusively that anything that approaches Meaningful Numbers of Confrontational Confiscations leads Quickly to Severe Losses of .gov thugpigs.
It seems to Me that all these “Raids” are for Show, a Threat that “You May Be Next” in a (futile) Hope that significant Numbers of Sheep will Turn In their Guns. Eventually, the (((bolsheviks))) WILL have to push forwards with Daily, Multiple Raids for anything to make a (slight) difference in the numbers of Guns out there. This will inevitably Trigger (pun intended) the kind of Widespread Resistance that they KNOW they will Lose.
In Your AO, do You Know where the Chief Donut-Eater lives? His Relatives? Do you Know where the MRAP’s are Garaged? Do You have Equipment to Eliminate them?
And No, You don’t have enough Ammo.
On February 17, 2019 at 9:55 pm, Conrad said:
Some would say it is not how many raids, but rather that the further they go, the more the issue becomes black and white. They are in a grey area now and that creates unsureness for them, and for us. One day, the issue may become clear, and if or when it does it will require choices.