Proposed North Carolina Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
“Gun violence is a public health crisis,” said Rep. Christy Clark, D-Mecklenburg, a former state director for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
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Previous gun control measures have gone nowhere in the Republican-controlled General Assembly in recent years. Rep. Pricey Harrison, D-Guilford, said she has filed bills every legislative session since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., in 2012, but none has every gotten a committee hearing.
“This state has gone the exact opposite direction we need to be going,” Harrison said, noting the legislature has expanded gun rights in recent years to allow firearms in parks, in locked cars at schools and other locations where they were previously barred.
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Other provisions in the bill include the following:
Not properly storing a firearm in a locked container when not in use would be a misdemeanor
Gun owners must report a lost or stolen firearm to law enforcement within 48 hours
Gun owners must carry liability insurance
Law enforcement agencies would be allowed destroy seized firearms
Cities and counties would be allowed to set their own rules on where guns are allowed
Nullification is okay with them if a locale ignores rights and protections, as opposed to imposing infringements.
Here’s what I think is a public health crisis. Horrible women getting involved in things that aren’t any of their business.
Prediction: Just like their efforts to bully Harris Teeter into going anti-gun (which would have been led to their financial ruination), they will fail and this will go away.
But it’s still a sign of the times.
On February 15, 2019 at 1:43 am, Conrad said:
This is the same platform being pushed in WA State. How does an Insurance Company know a person is a gun owner? Who would be the authority that determined you needed liability insurance?
On February 15, 2019 at 5:58 am, Matt said:
The liability insurance thing is an intentional red herring. There is no such thing, nor would insurance cover criminal acts. It’s an intentional, deceptive, feel good, ploy to try to price gun ownership out of the hands of the people in a backhand manner. It’s a kin to a poll tax.
On February 15, 2019 at 7:54 am, ragman said:
This is our future, whether it passes or not. The communists never give up and it’s a big mistake not to take them for their word. Communists in Florida are attempting to put a semi auto ban on the ballot in’20. This, if passed, would be a constitutional amendment and could not be vetoed by Governor DeSantis. Bad stuff coming down the pike.
On February 15, 2019 at 1:23 pm, Conrad said:
On February 15, 2019 at 2:58 pm, Fred said:
Matt, it’s more than a pol tax, although it is that, it’s de facto registration as insurance coverage information would be made available through an actuarial, it would have to be, for purposes of complying with the law.
I had a thought about whether the United States is already dictatorship while looking over this years proposed gun laws in Tennessee. I think that we are in fact already under a dictatorship although pointing to a single human head remains difficult. The decades long, multi-generational, Leftist vision is taking shape very obviously, while the conservatives have conserved nothing. I was going through the list, so far for this year (09Feb2019) of the proposed modifications to the Tennessee codes regarding firearms. There are dozens of proposed laws, the most in a single year since I’ve lived here.
One is struck by the absolute disregard for any semblance of governance by the people. There are several proposed laws that very clearly continue to seek the segregation of those being governed by those that do the governing and their permanent power structure. Several offer more special carve-outs for various government employees making them either exempted, or out right above the law as written and applied for the rest of the mere citizens of the state. It’s horrendous, the ends of these and current laws like them on the books are soviet or perhaps some other totalitarian form of rule but what they are not, is equality under the law as when Jehoshaphat set judges and as stated in America’s founding documents.
Red flag/mental health
There are at least three proposed laws that would fall into the mental health category, one of which is a form of Red Flag law and the other is an outright Red Flag law which is being proposal by Republicans. These laws are not a slippery slope, they are in fact, the exact way that the Nazis and the Soviets categorized, separated, and turned the people against each other, neighbor, coworker, family, friend, government employee all made agents and minders for the State apparatus against those supposed dangerous acquaintances.
The combination of two of these Red Flag laws could be used to, on the one hand, to accuse somebody of being a danger and thereby making them dispossessed, at gunpoint I might add, of their firearms, and on the other hand the accuser would be granted an instant carry permit authorizing them to do what they had just deprived the accused from having and doing, namely the carrying of a weapon, all at the hands of the state under the color of law. This is outrageous.
It sounds so good on paper to keep guns away from children. There are a couple of proposed laws that would separate a minor, one 13 and under and the other under 18 years of age, from his right of armed defense except that his parent be charged with a crime. The net effect of these proposals is that only a family member 18 or over can defend the family with arms. Both specifically mention prohibition of firearms stored where an adult or juvenile minor can access and use it. So, if a person or persons breaks into a home and attempts to commit, let’s just say, one of a number of forms of assault on a mother, the mother’s 12 year old son can only defend his mother or sister or little brother if the family is willing to accept that the parent be charged with a crime. This is an outrage. The state can’t possibly know what minor is competent and which is not. It also leaves whole families defenseless in the home, the car, and on a boat because a 16 year old might access a family weapon. Your sixteen year old daughter could be texting in the car while you hop into a convenience store and oh well, you just have to let her be dragged off and stuffed into the trunk of some depraved criminal because heaven forbid, that she shoot him with the weapon in the center console, except again, that her father be charged with a crime. This might not seem that bad on the surface but you should know that this too is the communist agenda. Adolescence is a false construct of the twentieth century designed to create helpless and state dependent permanent children stunted and retarded from self-responsibility.
On February 16, 2019 at 1:29 pm, DAN III said:
Fred @ 1458,
Very good comments on the Tennessee law proposals. Well done.
On February 17, 2019 at 10:24 pm, Jim Wiseman said:
NC Democrats are pushing gun control, and NC Republicans are loosening restrictions. Unless you count the bill that expands rights for legislators, DAs and their friends. Unless they push getting rid of the Jim Crow pistol purchase permit and removing the force of law from gun free zones, I don’t want to hear their lip service.
On February 17, 2019 at 10:32 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Pistol permitting = money. Plain and simple. An additional revenue stream. They’ve admitted it.
On February 19, 2019 at 11:45 am, Sanders said:
They are pushing the exact same agenda in New Mexico.
You’d think that maybe there is a bigger entity backing these new laws. Can you say, “Bloomberg”? I knew you could.