Officer’s Gun “Goes Off” During Response To Hoax Threat At Middle School
BY Herschel Smith
A false threat made to Jefferson Davis Middle School prompted Jacksonville police to swarm the campus Thursday afternoon, according to a Duval County Public Schools spokeswoman. During the police response, an officer’s gun accidentally discharged outside the school, authorities said.
About 3:50 p.m., according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, 911 dispatch received two calls reporting there had been a shooting at the school. Officers arrived in full force to investigate and then determined the information was false. The incident report shows the calls came from within the school.
Just after 4 p.m., the Sheriff’s Office said, a police officer had an unintentional discharge from his agency-issued weapon and the bullet struck the sidewalk, causing minor surface damage. The Sheriff’s Office is conducting an administrative investigation into the unintentional discharge.
Gosh I just hate it when that happens to me. Hmm … I recall the last time I did that. Somebody conducted an internal affairs investigation and made me go home with pay for a week, counseled me when I came back, and then we all laughed and laughed about it.
No harm, no foul.
On February 18, 2019 at 11:11 am, revjen45 said:
Another school shooting!! OMG!! Something must be done!! It’s FOR THE CHILDREN!!!
On February 18, 2019 at 10:52 pm, 2ABill said:
Bet you this shows up a a “school shooting” on the Mommies list…
On February 20, 2019 at 11:40 pm, elysianfield said:
During my years on the OPD (Oakland Ca.) accidental discharges occasionally occurred after shift while in the locker room (pocket pistol falling from a holster or a pocket) while changing into/out of uniform.
Automatic three days off without pay, and a notation in your personnel file.