Australia’s Rising Suicide Rate Sparks Calls For National Target To Reduce Deaths
BY Herschel Smith
News from down under:
There are calls for a national target to reduce Australia’s suicide rate as new statistics show 3,128 Australians took their own life in 2017.
This represents 262 more deaths than the previous year.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released national data on Wednesday that showed intentional self-harm is now ranked the 13th leading cause of death, moving up from 15th position in 2016.
Australia’s suicide rate is now at 12.6 deaths per 100,000 people. This is equal to 2015 as the highest recorded rate in the past 10 years.
The counselling service Lifeline has urged the Morrison government to set a national target to achieve a 25% suicide reduction over five years.
Ah yes, it’s another government problem in need of another government solution. Why don’t you blow up the nanny government and that may give people some reason to live again?
Say, how’s that gun control thing working out?
On March 7, 2019 at 11:23 am, Fred said:
The destruction of liberty could never cause despair? ‘We’ must Overlord them harder for their own good. Government declares War on Suicide, what could possibly go wrong?