The Real Immigration Problem
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 10 months ago
ICE had to simply drop off newly minted immigrants to a bus stop.
Immigration officials dropped off about 50 more undocumented migrants, mostly from Central America, Friday morning at a Greyhound bus station near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where they were left to fend for themselves as overwhelmed volunteers sought help for them.
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Since Dec. 21, according to the data, ICE has released 84,500 migrant family members. Of that, 14,500 have been released in the Phoenix area, 37,500 have been released in communities in south Texas, 24,000 in El Paso and 8,500 in San Diego, the data shows.
They just let them go. Cheer up. We can all pay their medical bills when they go to the local hospital ER for care.
But the real problem isn’t even illegal immigration, it’s legal immigration (via WRSA):
The legal immigration problem has dropped off America’s radar screen—displaced by the undeniable crisis over illegals.
But legal immigration is larger, growing faster, potentially more disruptive—and, because it is set by inflexible statute, just as much out of control.
Go check out all of his data. From the most recent NumbersUSA newsletter, Trump isn’t helping anything with his actions or rhetoric.
The problem is that President Trump appears be backing off his campaign pledge in favor of placating the business lobby clamoring for an increase in foreign workers.
The White House goes on to describe the meeting with “some of the country’s top CEO –including Apple’s Tim Cook and Walmart’s Doug McMillon.”
Employers were coming to us and they were saying, ‘We’re optimistic about America, we want to invest here and a constraint for growth is the lack of a skilled workforce,'” Ms. Trump told The Wall Street Journal this week. “We don’t have people to fill the jobs.The President has strongly indicated he no longer supports immigration reduction, including at the White House meeting this week.
‘We want to have a very strong border, but we want to have a lot of people coming in,’ Trump said during a White House meeting with more than 20 CEOs and officials from state and local governments.’ A lot of people don’t understand that. They think we’re shutting it out. We’re not shutting it out. We want people to come in, but they have to come in through a process.President Trump’s rhetoric is not far removed from U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donahue, who said last October that “The United States is fundamentally out of people.”
When there are still 50 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 64 who are not employed, the problem is not a lack of workers.
The problem of course is that the democrats want Latinos for their votes, and republican elitists and corporations want them for their cheap labor, cheap that is, as long as the law, regulations and codes are in place to let everyone else pay for their medical care so the corporations don’t have to. The cost isn’t so much hidden or non-existent as it is borne on the backs of American workers who can’t save or invest because of this corporate theft.
So in addition to Trump making half a million bump stock owners felons with the stroke of a pen, in addition to his support for red flag laws (which after Lindsey Graham and the democrats send to him he will sign on a federal level), he wants to flood the country with more foreign workers for you to support, just as long as it’s all legal.
Or in other words, America may as well have elected a democrat, huh? Oh, and by the way, don’t worry about how all of those Latinos are going to vote in the presidential elections. I’m sure it’ll all work out to support your 2A rights.
On March 11, 2019 at 11:04 pm, George said:
The Orks are at the gates. It’s ok. As long as they come in legally.
The truth is it has been too late for a very long time.
Trump is also not telling the truth concerning his”wall”. There is no proper wall being built anywhere on the Border. The administration dropped its promise of a proper wall sometime ago. There is some construction to repair existing fencing and add some sections off new fencing. But none of it is anything close to a deal security barrier.
On March 12, 2019 at 8:37 am, Saint Mike said:
DJT has a problem, when you lose people like me and my associates( one issue voters) , you don’t get us back.
We are not going to vote Democrat, but we are not going to vote for him.
If he thinks he is polling better he is getting bad info, liberals around here hate him more than ever.
On March 12, 2019 at 8:43 am, Duke Norfolk said:
The Empire is crumbling. It’s gonna get ugly(er).
On March 12, 2019 at 9:50 am, Fred said:
Immigrants are told through flyers in their home countries to find Border Control Agents for water, medical checks, and transport to a migration point to continue their journey on the in country leg. ICE has been, and continues to be a facilitator of migration into the country. Just make sure that you’re not with the out of favor cartel transporting drugs and you’re fine.
On March 12, 2019 at 9:58 am, Frank Clarke said:
So, let’s see…
We won’t vote for Democrats because they’re gun-grabbers.
We won’t vote for Republicans because they’re no better than Democrats.
We won’t vote for Libertarians because they’re in favor of open borders.
We won’t vote for … because they’re …
Maybe we should vote Democrat in hopes that they’ll actually trigger the secession movement this country really needs?
On March 12, 2019 at 10:26 am, Thomas D Price said:
I did not like my drill sergeants, but they turned boys into men. I have worked with a lot of people over the years that I could honestly say, did not like some of the things they did, but they excelled at their job. Trump is a hard nose businessman, he doesn’t play nice and coddle people. He goes on with a bunch of junk but when it is serious he is all in. All he is interested in is what works for the good of our country. If you look at all the economic indicators, we are doing better than in a long time. It is a dangerous world, there are many who want to destroy us. He doesn’t live in lala land, if we fail, we will be no more. Unchecked people coming in will ruin us.
On March 12, 2019 at 10:34 am, Bram said:
Frank – Getting to that point thanks to Lindsey Graham.
On March 12, 2019 at 11:51 am, Chris Mallory said:
Of course the corporations want to increase legal immigration. It is a basic economic principle. The latest economic numbers for the US showed an uptick in wages. That means the supply of workers is shrinking. Which is a good thing for US workers.
There was a machine works company on the news the other day whining about how their work force was older and they couldn’t find help to replace them. But they only wanted to hire experienced trained machinists.
Not a word about hiring in men as apprentices and training them, paying them well and earning the worker’s loyalty. They want the tax payers to pay for the training or to import aliens to do the work. We can’t expect them to show a little self responsibility.
On March 12, 2019 at 11:01 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Chris Mallory
“There was a machine works company on the news the other day whining about how their work force was older and they couldn’t find help to replace them. But they only wanted to hire experienced trained machinists.”
“Not a word about hiring in men as apprentices and training them, paying them well and earning the worker’s loyalty. They want the tax payers to pay for the training or to import aliens to do the work. We can’t expect them to show a little self responsibility.”
Yep, you’re right on the money. Companies – in particular the big ones – don’t want spend one thin dime on developing and training workers. They want only fully-qualified candidates – the unspoken part being that as soon as their needs have been fulfilled that machinist or other skilled tradesman will again be out on the street looking for work.
Saw an employment ad not long ago; a friend showed it to me. A local employer was offering $18/hour for a skilled and highly-experienced CNC machinist – and they wonder why they can’t draw applications?! That wage does not even come close to being sufficient to support a single person in today’s expensive economy, let alone an entire family.
The best engineers, scientists and designers on earth – and their ideas – come to nothing without skilled tradesmen and artisans to bring their ideas to life. Yes, robotics and automation can take up some of that slack, but not all of it – and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding himself.
The myopia in this country is staggering. Our infrastructure is literally falling down around us, and our educational institutions are still turning out lawyers and bureaucratic functionaries like there’s no tomorrow. I’d better stop now – and go work on my Chinese, since if present trends continue, that’s probably who we’ll end up working for.