This Crazy Contraption Was Supposed To Help Aussie Troops Carry Their Guns, It Did The Opposite
BY Herschel Smith
For one, the Reaper did reduce strain on a soldier’s arms when carrying a weapon. But it also increased fatigue from the awkwardness of firing and moving with the system on their back.
“The soldier’s breathing motion was exaggerated by the RSACS,” one report says. “This forced the soldier to tense his entire torso in order to effectively release each burst, thus significantly increasing the soldier’s overall fatigue.”
The change in high-mounted weight distribution also made it harder for troops to run and the pole made it impossible to get into a prone firing position.
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Not surprisingly, the pole and cord also had a habit of getting caught on both foliage and other objects, as well as the user’s other gear. The system notably interfered with troops using helmets with night vision googles attached to them. It also made it difficult for machine guns with the F89 machine gun to open the top cover to reload or clear jams.
I’m sure glad the U.S. military isn’t stupid enough to do something like this for the benefit of girl-troops in the infantry.
On March 18, 2019 at 7:44 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Wow. That looks retarded to anybody looking at it. It seems so obvious. It’s like some kind of joke.
I can imagine that the actual troops thought so from the start and grumbled all along. (Admittedly, I didn’t read the article.)
On March 18, 2019 at 9:47 am, revjen45 said:
Looks like they got the idea from “Aliens.”
On March 19, 2019 at 2:19 pm, Gryphon said:
Hard Enough for One Man to Carry and be Expected to Shoot while Standing a Belt-Fed LMG, adding another Awkward 10-15 Pounds of Load is just.. retarded.
Better to spend Research Time and Money on a better, lighter version of a 5.56
(or 6.5) SAW-Type Belt-Fed for the Squad’s Suppression Weapon.
(and what happens when the Wearer (victim) of this Nonsense is Running and gets Caught by a Branch or Low Doorway? A Funny You-Tube Video?)