Note To The New Zealand Police: Notice Of Intention To Turn In Firearms
BY Herschel Smith
I notice that the link you provide to notify the New Zealand Police that I intend to turn in my firearms doesn’t allow me to enter any information. That sucks. I’m absolutely livid about this.
I’ve decided to turn in some firearms. Actually, I need to be more precise. I have 8616 firearms, and by my calculations this is somewhere on the order of a $10 million collection.
I’ve had a talk with God about this, and after that talk I’ve decided to turn in one, leaving me with 8615 firearms. I know what you’re thinking? Why would he turn in just one?
Well, the specific firearm I intend to relinquish is an XM556 Microgun. I’m sick and fed up listening to my wife complain about all of the ammunition sitting around. Also, the floors of my house are beginning to sag from all of the weight. Every … single … room. Finding a place to put it all has been a bitch.
This has turned into a $10,000 per week habit. I know you think I need an intervention, Cecile, but you’re too late. I’ve conducted my own intervention, and I’ve decided to break the habit. It’ll be hard, and I need your prayers.
So please, please inform the New Zealand Police that I intend to turn in my 5.56mm Gatling gun. In fact, please also forward this post to your contacts in the New Zealand Police. I thought I’d drop it in UPS, and within a week or so it should show up on their doorstep. Or if you’d like, I can send it to you for safe keeping. Be careful, though. It’s addictive.
Yours very truly.
ps: I decry and herewith denounce the troll who said he had nuclear weapons he wanted to turn in. I would never do something like that.
On March 28, 2019 at 1:59 am, BRVTVS said:
There was already a death due to the NZ gun grab.
On March 28, 2019 at 9:44 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
Ho, ho, ho. Now I have nuke.
Is that you, Rep. Swalwell?
On March 28, 2019 at 12:20 pm, ExpatNJ said:
A time-honored tradition of The People (aka ‘Freedom Fighters’, ‘Patriots’, ‘The 3%’, etc) using the bureaucracy of “The System” against itself, to screw with it, and successfully mire it and bog-down its actions, potentially to the point at which is grinds to a complete halt (my own definition).
That new NZ law demands submission of information, right? But, there is no provision in the same law against the submission of ‘good faith’, yet inaccurate/unverified data, now, is there?
Of course, I am sure that none here would *knowingly* (cough-cough) endorse or support the deliberate misuse or corruption of the NZ police database. Yet, I can imagine one appropriate response:
Sample entry: “Q. Firearms Location?” A. “Bottom of Lake Taupo”
(FYI, surface area: 616 km2 (238 sq mi), largest lake in NZ
On March 28, 2019 at 1:54 pm, Gryphon said:
“Pretend” to be the commie/libtard Prius Owner in the Neighborhood, and have ‘him’ try and ‘register’ a bunch of Guns that ALREADY require Special Permits (i.e.the NZ equivalent of ‘Class 3’) and then Watch as the (p)Orcs Kick In His Door and Trash the House looking for them…..
p.s. this is Why you DO NOT WANT A WIFI SYSTEM IN YOUR HOUSE. get the picture?
On March 29, 2019 at 2:56 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
Unfortunately, the form submission pages for the NZ police department no longer accepts information from foreign IP’s. They blocked us — er, them. I have no idea why.
/cough coughcough
On March 31, 2019 at 9:04 pm, SamlAdams said:
While the site was still up, reported a Browning M2 with the Prime Minister’s residence as the location…because…