The Inside Story Of Spygate
BY Herschel Smith
This story comes from The Epoch Times. The full article is at the link, but the video is embedded below. I’ve watched it all. It’s a no-nonsense, very clinical survey of exactly what the deep state accomplished in the run up to the election to protect HRC and take down Trump. That deep state is still in existence today, even though the senior players are different at the CIA, FBI, State Department, and so on. The invisible leadership – the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the bankers, the IMF, remains as it always was.
Attention to the Main Stream Media. This is called “investigative journalism.” Your Marxist professors didn’t teach you that in journalism school. But you too can do it. You just have to ignore what your professors taught you, be good, be honest, be forthright, be unbiased, search for the truth, work hard, and go where the facts lead you.
It will be hard, but it’s a road you can take.
On March 29, 2019 at 6:35 am, Mark Matis said:
Ah, but they have no interest in taking such a road, because it leads AWAY from the One World Government “utopia” for which they so strongly yearn. They will instead continue to follow their hero Lenin:
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.“
On March 29, 2019 at 8:09 am, Fred said:
You do realize that Trump was installed by the Deep State. The whole, Trump vs the Deep State thing is bogus. There are factions within the Deep State and it’s not exactly along democrat – republican lines. Israel/Saud and the Pentagon back Trump, always have. State and factions within Justice and CIA backed Clinton but in the end Isreal/Saud and the Military Industrial Complex retained (the post war) control of power…for now. Trump is playing ball with the NWO and will be re-installed, er, re-elected.
Most importantly, none of these people give a rip about you and your family.
On March 29, 2019 at 3:38 pm, JoeFour said:
I’m afraid the mainstream media outlets work hand in glove with the various deep state actors … and probably have for a long, long time…at least since Watergate IMHO.
On March 30, 2019 at 10:59 am, Fred said:
If you live in TN and wouldn’t mind please contact these senators to oppose the Red Flag law. (615) 741-1946 (615) 741-5761 (615) 741-6853 (615) 741-6694 (615) 741-6682 (615) 741-4167 (615) 741-4499 (615) 741-2509 (615) 741-4576
Here is one of the notes I’ve sent them:
Dear Senators,
Oppose Bill 1178
There are those of us who reject the communist indoctrination going on and are not walking around drooling into our cell phones. There are those of us who understand our duty toward Holy God from which the right at arms and the laws of nations and warfare stem. There are those of us who plainly understand and live by the Reformation principles of Natural and Biblical Law from which the Magna Carte and the American Revolution were born. By these laws, God’s, Natural, and the duties and rights of freemen; the deprivation of the means of war is act of war. Let me explain that simply; why did we bomb the Messerschmidt factories during WWII? It was done, rightly, as an act of war to deprive an enemy the means of warfare. The problem with Red Flag laws is the deprivation of the means of war, the taking of weapons, against peaceable men who have not declared nor conducted any warfare against the State. This makes the State’s initiation of the deprivation of the means of war, the taking of weapons, as an aggression, a first attack, a declaration and initiation of war against your own people, your neighbors, fellow parishioners, and co-workers. These are the Laws of Nations by the Holy Bible and throughout Western Civilization since the end of the Dark Ages. There are those of us who are studied well enough in the history and means of warfare and that understand our duties toward the Holy Father as peaceable men in civil society for whom this will not stand! Senators, respectfully, you may not simply start confiscating weapons and get away with it!
Are you going to have Police train up, gear up, and gun up to go against their neighbors, breaking down doors Fallujah style, to confiscate weapons from people who have committed no crime? Respectfully Senators, have you lost your cotton pickin’ minds? You need to stop listening to demons and pray to God and use the logic that the LORD gave you.
All that freemen have put on the line to carve a nation out of North America where men may be at peace one with another and have the freedom to associate, worship, pursue happiness, and build a future together is on the line with these Red Flag laws. Like it or not, believe it or not, we are bound by the Holy Bible and Declaration of Independence in blood covenant one with another, before a Holy Righteous Christ. I beseech you not to break this covenant by which we live in peace, together, as brothers.
Fred Tippens
(address not posted here)