Followup To “Dealing With Loss”
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 9 months ago
I sincerely appreciate all of the comments and notes I’ve gotten in response to that post. It means more to me than you know, and it has convinced me that although some of you don’t comment on the blog (arghh …), it’s worth it to spend the effort writing.
I think I’ve responded to all of the email sent, if not, please forward your email again because I’ve just overlooked it. I should have stipulated one thing. It’s one thing to find work anywhere (unlimited relocation or travel). It’s another thing entirely to look for work locally.
Most of our family is in the area, and all of our grandchildren are. I do still have one job possibility out of state (and I mean, way out of state) that is open. I need to let that run to completion. There are two other possibilities within the area that need to run to completion as well, one of which is contracting. The other one would be a true Godsend if it works out (contracting, for a longer period of time, assuming that the company wins the bid).
I’m sure God will take care of us, but we’re going through a time of testing.
On April 7, 2019 at 9:02 pm, Backwoods Engineer said:
Prayers for you to find employment. Stay open to non-traditional options.
On April 8, 2019 at 3:25 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Yes, family is paramount. This global economy has fractured us and been one of several causes of the destruction of the American family. Deracination is an apt word here.
I don’t blame people who have to chase all over the country/world for decent jobs, but I also commend those who do whatever they can, sacrificing to maintain their home and family. God bless.
On April 8, 2019 at 7:12 am, Fred said:
Continuing to pray.
On April 8, 2019 at 7:54 am, ragman said:
Captain: you are in my thoughts and prayers. I faced a similar situation, but at a much younger age. Through the Grace of God we made it through the tough times and I’m sure you will too.
On April 8, 2019 at 7:59 am, Longbow said:
Simply end the “war on drugs” and kill the black market.
On April 8, 2019 at 8:08 pm, Gryphon said:
Don’t let your “Work” define “You”. I did for Many Years exactly That- not that the Work wasn’t Difficult (and often Dangerous) but that once You have to have Your Brain Engaged to Work, Instantly, 24/7/365, and You had to Do It Absolutely, Exactly, Perfectly, Every Time, or somebody could wind up Dead (Even You) There wasn’t any really good Way to Define Yourself other than the “Work”.
Maybe it is Time for a Career Change, since as you pointed out, Competent White Men are being systematically Driven Out from the Industries that their Skills and Intelligence Created. Look for something Outside of the “Industry” and better Yet, look for something Outside of the “Beast System” where you ‘pay taxes’ to support Evil People. Yes, ‘underground economy’, Cash Money Work – if the Illegal Invader Aliens can do this, You can, Too.
Good Luck with whatever you Try, and don’t think that a Viable Situation is ‘beneath’ your Experience or Education.
On April 9, 2019 at 11:48 am, Frank Clarke said:
I’ve spent many years off-and-on contracting. Some very interestng gigs come along when one least expects it. Almost all of them offered opportunities to teach or to learn, and I have made a host of very good friends doing both.
Contracts, when accepted as the gift they are, can be more rewarding than having a steady job, and I’m not just talking $$$.