Bans On Coyote Killing
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 9 months ago
Yes, you read that right. In Nevada, maybe.
Legislation recently introduced in the Nevada Senate would treat participants in a coyote hunting contest the same as someone convicted of manslaughter. On March 25, the Nevada Senate Committee on Natural Resources introduced Senate Bill 487, which would ban competitions where coyotes are killed for prizes or entertainment. The ridiculousness of the legislation can’t be overstated.
For starters, the penalty for a violation of this new law would be a Class D Felony that carry a mandatory prison term of 1-4 years and a possible fine of up to $5,000.
But you can kill as many human babies as you want as long as they are a sacrifice to Baal.
And in New Mexico, certainly.
New Mexico has long been host to cruel, gruesome and pointless coyote-killing contests, in which participants compete to kill as many of these shy, curious canines for cash and prizes. Many wildlife advocates and citizens across the state were appalled by the images of coyotes’ lifeless bodies, stacked in bloody piles next to contestants who laughed, posed for photos and celebrated their kills.
Fortunately, now those who care about our state’s native wildlife are the ones celebrating, because our governor signed a ban on coyote-killing contests into New Mexico law (“New law bans organized coyote killings,” April 3). Thank you, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. We are so grateful for your willingness to do what is right. Thank you to the sponsors and all those who worked so hard for this day to arrive. Today, we celebrate a victory for our wildlife and state.
Betsy Starr
Well Betsy, let’s call them what they are – they’re not Coyotes. Coyotes don’t exist any more. They are Coywolves or Coydogs. They aren’t the “shy, curious canines” you’re making them out to be in your rainbow world of dreams of pixie-dust unicorns. They’re just not. Just make sure you don’t let your pet out unguarded, or go anywhere they could be, or let your children loose when they could be around. You’ll see what I’m talking about.
On April 10, 2019 at 5:54 am, ragman said:
What’s next, outlawing the rattlesnake roundup in Texas? Idiots!
On April 10, 2019 at 12:12 pm, Dov Sar said:
We farm. Coyotes slaughter our smaller animals if they can. We have three 160 pound Ovcharkas, so we don’t have the problem anymore. The people who go for saving the coyotes are also the people who get their food from agribusiness.
On April 10, 2019 at 12:22 pm, Fred said:
Good point. You want local, small, healthy, humane, free range, organic? Can’t have with that with coywolves running about. Further proof leftists are imbecilic in their inability to acknowledge second and third order effects.
On April 10, 2019 at 2:19 pm, Gryphon said:
Is this a Ban on “Contests” or does it Outlaw paying Bounties on Pest Animals?
And the same stupid libtards will Demand that the ‘government’ Do Something right after one of their little rat-dogs get Eaten….
On April 11, 2019 at 10:33 pm, soapweed said:
Local only invitationals….bring beer