Eric Swalwell Plans On Coming To Your Home To Confiscate Your Firearms
BY Herschel Smith
The awful and childish Jake Tapper interviewed Eric Swalwell on guns.
California Rep. Eric Swalwell — a recently announced Democratic presidential candidate — said Sunday his call for a ban on assault weapons was not a step toward broader gun bans.
“You know, keep your pistols, keep your long rifles, keep your shotguns,” Swalwell said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper when asked about anxiety from gun owners that an assault weapons ban could be an incremental step to a larger gun ban.
He continued, “I want the most dangerous weapons, these weapons of war, out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”
Swalwell announced last Monday he would join the widening Democratic presidential field and scheduled his first event at a town hall near Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, the site of a deadly school shooting last year.
He has called for a ban on “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” with a buy-back program.In Sunday’s interview, Swalwell said the ban would come with criminal consequences for people who did not participate in the buy-back, but also suggested an “alternative, which would be to keep them at a hunting club or a shooting range.”He said that the US should follow Australia and New Zealand, which both moved quickly to put in place new gun measures after deadly shootings and that the weapons covered under his policy were “devastating” and inspired fear.“It’s not just the violence that they’ve caused, it’s the fear, the immeasurable fear that our children live in because they are still on our streets,” Swalwell said. “I want to get rid of that fear.”
Oh, is that it, Jake? Is the only objectionable thing about a renewed “assault weapons ban” that it might be an incremental step towards a larger gun ban? Do they pay you actual money for these tough questions?
How about this one, Jake – ask Eric this one. “Do you plan on confiscating those ARs yourself, Eric, or are you going to send law enforcement door-to-door to collect tens of millions of semi-automatic guns from people who don’t intend on giving them up?” Or this one. ” Do you really, honestly think that Americans would allow their guns or any other personal property to be kept at a range instead of in their home? Really?”
Are these guys insulated from working class, flyover America, or what?
On April 14, 2019 at 9:38 pm, Jack said:
“Swalwell said the ban would come with criminal consequences for people who did not participate in the buy-back, but also suggested an “alternative, which would be to keep them at a hunting club or a shooting range.”
“it’s the fear, the immeasurable fear that we live in because they are still on our streets,”
Let’s ban and deport the Demo-kraut (Socialist/Communist) RINO skinbag politicians for the EXACT same reason(S)
On April 14, 2019 at 10:47 pm, Miles said:
I think his comment about “the immeasurable fear” is accurate for them.
I truly think that he, his proggie cohorts and their sycophantic lackeys are scared $#!+less that one day we, the normal average law abiding populace of the rest of the U.S. will finally have had enough of their lunatic antics and finally do something – permanently – about it.
I think they’re more scared now than they’ve ever been, thus the demoncrap party wide caterwauling.
Of course Swallwell is also primping for the day when Finestein retires and the race for the better seat on the .gov gravy train begins.
On April 15, 2019 at 5:12 am, Marshall said:
How about this idea? The only people who would be authorized and allowed to go door to door to confiscate our modern sporting rifles are current and former legislators. No police, no SWAT, only legislators! If they do not have the guts to do the job themselves, they have no business putting anyone else in harms way. It would have the further advantage of allowing the people to directly interact with our representatives and provide unfiltered feedback on their performance and actions. I would be thrilled for the opportunity to frankly discuss my thoughts with my local, state, and federal representatives.
On April 15, 2019 at 7:43 am, Carl B. said:
I want Swallowswell and every s***lib like him to live in fear.
On April 15, 2019 at 8:02 am, Fred said:
“I want the most dangerous weapons, these weapons of war, out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”
Nobody has killed more people than government. The next closest single entity is to the right of the decimal point as a percentage. Government killed around 270 million people last century or at least that’s a number I’ve heard many times, and that doesn’t even include the killing of those who have yet to draw their breath. It’s their policy that is killing the babies so I blame government for that as well. The next biggest killer is probably drivers but since drivers are not an entity that exists by force at arms, that has zero to do with guns. Free men are an entity that exists by force of arms. The number of willful deaths caused by free men at arms in minuscule, it’s within any margin of error for total cause of death. So, in a rare moment of agreement with a politician about anything, I completely agree with him. Government needs to be disarmed.
On April 15, 2019 at 8:24 am, Ned2 said:
Gun confiscation will never happen in America.
They may pass laws making certain weapons illegal, but only a very small part of the population will comply. Look at what has happened (or not) in CT, NY, NJ, MD etc..
People are simply not complying, and it works.
Any effort at confiscation will be over in days. Once cops start getting shot, they’ll start calling in sick (ask me how I know this). And they’ll retire early, and quit and move to our side, bringing with them intimate knowledge of the confiscators planned methods and procedures. Then we’ll shoot even more of them.
The only ones left will be the mouth breathing simpletons, and they’ll eventually think “I ain’t gettin paid enough for this shit”
There are too many weapons and ammo in US circulation for the gun grabbers to win.
Australia, New Zealand and the UK are different stories altogether. They are different cultures, and gun owners before the bans were a very small part of the population.
On April 15, 2019 at 8:57 am, moe mensale said:
Swalwell is either oblivious to the fact that Sen Feinstein already has an “assault weapon” ban in process (S 66) or his would be a better one with the stupid buyback provision.
“He continued, “I want the most dangerous weapons, these weapons of war, out of the hands of the most dangerous people.””
The “most dangerous weapons?” Swalwell is a fool who doesn’t understand anything he speaks of. Not unlike that vast majority of legislators.
According to the FBI 2017 Uniform Crime Report, there were 1,247,321 violent crimes nationally.
Of those 1.25 million violent crimes, 403 murders were committed with rifles of all types. That ratio is statistically insignificant. “Assault weapons” are a subset of the “Rifles” category (look on the Nevada line, you’ll see 58 murders, that was the Mandalay Bay/Paddock shooting). Murders committed with “assault weapons” are even more statistically insignificant.
So, Swalwell, what’s your real reason for wanting to rid the land of these “most dangerous weapons?” Be truthful. We’re waiting.
On April 15, 2019 at 10:05 am, MTHead said:
We need the “Vito Govt.”, where you, in your best Bronx accent say. “Throw’him over the fuckin wall”!
On April 15, 2019 at 10:57 am, revjen45 said:
Guns in the hands of The People are SUPPOSED to scare the lying weasels who would rule free people. If they didn’t they would be useless.
On April 15, 2019 at 11:50 am, DAN III said:
I do not fear “weapons of war”. I embrace them !
For more years than I care to divulge here, I worked with and carried a significant assortment of “weapons of war”. Those I couldn’t carry were on tracked vehicles.
Swallowell is first and foremost a seditious and treasonous Amerikan. He is a domestic communist ! He and other domestic communists are deserving of arrest, a fair trial and then the subsequent trip to the gallows. There are many more like him from Kaleefornia and other venues of tyranny within the fUSA. You folks reading this know who they are.
Traditional, Patriotic American CITIZENS appear to be a dying breed to the many communists ensconced across the Fruited Plain. How wrong they are.
Swallowell should understand the words “….shall not be infringed.” are defined in MY dictionary. Not his Marxist version of the English language.
The time is coming where American Patriots will have to re-visit the actions of 19 April 1775. On that day at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge, colonial Americans, British subjects, defied their King George III and proclaimed they were no longer “subjects” of the British empire.
The anniversary of that day, 19 April, is but four days away. History, it is said, often repeats itself. The time is near.
Verify your zero.
Make peace with your God.
On April 15, 2019 at 12:01 pm, DAN III said:
Ned2 @ 0824,
Never say never.
On April 15, 2019 at 12:29 pm, beau said:
@FRED, 4/15, 892AM: AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! it is time that the biggest killers of human beings – GOVERNMENTS – be recognized as such.
to see those jockeying for positions of power, wanting citizens disarmed and giving the biggest killers in history a pass is to be given a view to what is inside them: a tyrant in their thoughts and (hoped for) transition to actually wielding that power. this renders such individuals very dangerous to freedom.
why not peacefully divide this land mass into two separate nations and let citizens decide which side they will be on? after all, that would give the gun grabbers, hard earned money grabbers and all their liars, cheats, megalomaniacs, criminals and illegals a place where they would be ‘safe’.
On April 15, 2019 at 2:11 pm, Frank Clarke said:
‘Annoyance’ is being replaced by ‘grudging admiration’ at the progressive left’s impressive capacity for self-delusion.
An additional benefit is that I no longer have to shake my head and mutter “How can anyone be that stupid?” It’s not stupidity; it’s willful ignorance.
On April 16, 2019 at 8:26 am, Fred said:
@Frank Clarke,
It’s a religion and I too grudgingly must admit some admiration for their faith in the face all facts to the contrary. It’s a cult, and all cults are death cults.
On April 16, 2019 at 2:31 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Just who names these Democrap presidential contenders anyway? Eric “Swallowwell” Swalwell and Pete Buttigieg?