S.C. Lawmakers Wisely Back Away From Open Carry Laws
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 9 months ago
So says some dude named Brian Hicks.
A substitute teacher in Alabama accidentally fired his gun in a first-grade classroom recently. No one was hurt, luckily.
In Michigan, a man threw his shoe at a cockroach — forgetting that’s where he kept his pistol. He literally shot himself in the foot.
And in New Mexico, a driver showing off his 9 mm to a friend in the passenger seat accidentally shot a woman … in the car next to them.
All these accidents occurred within the past month. Know what else they have in common?
They all happened in states that allow open carry, which means just about anyone can carry a gun anywhere, whether or not they know the first thing about firearms.
Well, there are a lot of categories under which we could put this formal logical fallacy, but let’s begin with affirming the consequent (or the undistributed middle). The failures he mentioned could have been related to names, education, the first letters of the states they live in, or any of a number of things. Brian is merely affirming that he knows the cause of the failures and that they all related to constitutional carry. He has not demonstrated anything with this bit of misleading prose Let’s continue.
And some folks wonder why South Carolina lawmakers are hesitant to pass an open carry law here.
Well, it’s not going to happen this year. The controversial legislation is unofficially off the table — because law enforcement is treating a social media post as a threat on Charleston state Rep. Peter McCoy’s life.
You read that correctly.
The Freedom Action Network of South Carolina posted an incendiary statement on Facebook blaming McCoy for the Legislature’s failure to turn this state into the Wild West.
This bit of emotional hyperbole is exactly the same as what they said in Texas before it became an open carry state, and it’s meant for ignorant people to read. In fact, it’s what every state has said, and South Carolina is one of the few remaining holdouts, along with California, Hawaii, New York and New Jersey. How about that, Brian. Aren’t you ensconced a bit far to the South to be following the lead of New Yorkers? Let’s continue with this messy commentary.
Most say open carry is foolhardy and dangerous.
They’re right. The proposed South Carolina open carry law would let anyone carry a gun onto school grounds and into public parks or bars without demonstrating they know the difference between a clip and a trigger.
I’m sure they do, Brian. Law enforcement doesn’t like it when they can’t be special. But I think you’re lying. I don’t think you really want LEOs to be banned from openly carrying weapons, you just want people who aren’t special to remain banned. But if you were honest, you’d see that it’s cops who perpetrate most of the negligent discharges, shoot most of the innocent people, and cause the most danger to the community.
Well, that about does it. If you want to read the rest of Brian’s droll commentary, I’ve linked it. But if you don’t like “propaganda,” Brian, how about a little truth-telling. You’re a communist, just like the state senator who was looking for an excuse to terminate consideration of the open carry bill in S.C. And the fact that the senate was already looking for ways to kill the bill makes us wonder what else was going on behind the scenes.
On April 18, 2019 at 1:07 pm, Henry said:
Plus, his entire argument seems to conflate “open” carry with “license-less” carry. They’re not the same thing.