FOIA Request Confirms Zero Standard Capacity Magazines Turned In To NJ State Police
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 9 months ago
John Crump writing at Ammoland.
Off the record, State Police sources told AmmoLand no magazines were turned in. We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get the official answer from State Police officials. Our first request went unanswered, so we sent another, then another, and so on until we finally received a response from the State Police.
SGT Kristina Pados of the New Jersey State Police responded to our FOIA request. She confirmed what our sources inside the New Jersey Police told us. The gun owners of New Jersey have surrendered no magazines.
However, she did state that local departments might have them.
AmmoLand reached out to local police departments across New Jersey and have not been able to find a single magazine turned over to the authorities. It would seem like the gun owners of New Jersey have decided to ignore the law most likely because it is unenforceable.
So what’s next? Do the state police plan to go door-to-door busting in and searching for magazines? I suspect not.
On April 17, 2019 at 7:51 am, Fred said:
This has made my day. Thanks for posting it Herschel.
On April 17, 2019 at 8:15 am, Ned said:
A single “illegal” mag may soon become New Jersey gun gun owner’s red flag hell. just like having an illegal Trumpstock in the closet you showed to a “friend.”
Many little steps add up to one giant one.
On April 17, 2019 at 8:26 am, Longbow said:
This is good news! I am pleasantly surprised.
On April 17, 2019 at 12:25 pm, ExpatNJ said:
“So what’s next? Do state police plan to go door-to-door busting in and searching for magazines? I suspect not.” – HS.
While this story was a somewhat ‘red-flag’ situation, it shows what Nazi Jerzey Oinkers are capable of, and how family members not savvy about ALL their Constitutional Rights can innocently facilitate the gun-round-up:
Cops Attempt to Seize Veteran’s Guns With No Warrant, But He Refuses [abridged]
Millstone, New Jersey (07/16/2018) – An Iraq War Veteran … received a call from his wife telling him that police officers were at their home, claiming they needed to seize his legally-owned firearms, even though he had done nothing wrong and the officers had NO WARRANT [EMPHASIS-Expat]. Leonard Cottrell Jr is the latest citizen affected by series of new gun regulations in NJ – already known for having strict gun control laws – even though he did not break any …
On April 17, 2019 at 1:22 pm, Gryphon said:
And a couple MILLION Mags sold into Kalifornia because of some ‘judge’ not Going Along with the (((plan))) to Ban Everything.
As for the non-constitutional ‘red flag’ “Laws” (“..a law repugnant to the Constitution is No Law at all”) This is Exactly how I have been Expecting the (((bolsheviks))) to attempt to Disarm the People. Incrementally “Ban” Everything related to Weapons, then when Everyone is a “Criminal” they can Pick and Choose Whom to Arrest for Flimsy Reasons that will have Nothing actually to do with “Gun Ownership.
The (((bolsheviks))) long ago Figured Out that unlike the mostly-Disarmed Euro=Peon Nations, no Widespread Gun Confiscation is Possible in the U.S., as the ‘government’ would be Crushed in short order. This is why there will be No Mass Door-to-Door “Raids”, no matter how desperately commies like Feinswine, Bloomturd, and Scummer rant about it.
Now it becomes a Waiting Game to see how long it Takes before some Unplanned “Incident” Blows the Lid off the Radioactive Can of Worms that has been sitting on the Stove for the last few Decades.