How Many Bump Stocks Have Been Turned In To The Miami-Dade Police Department?
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 9 months ago
I sent a Public Records request to MDPD and I just got the response. I chose MDPD because it is the largest police department in the county.
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No Bump Stock Has Been Turned In To Miami Dade Police Department since before and after the ban was signed in the State of Florida .
PS: Or the way that pkoning put it in the comments: “M-D Police has no record of any bump stock being turned in”.
That is directly proven by the letter you showed.
Guess they didn’t get the memo, huh?
On April 30, 2019 at 12:47 pm, Heywood said:
Imagine my surprise!
On April 30, 2019 at 4:03 pm, ExpatNJ said:
People will pay whatever the going rate is for an underground-purchased item ‘banned’ by the government. And, the less the purchaser has to pay, all the better. That base Human Nature does not necessarily change just because one dons a Magic Blue Suit.
Q1. Can it be that everyone in Miami-Dade who was in possession of a Slide-Stock actually DID obey the law (although nobody will admit to doing so), and relinquished their property to MPD?
Q2. Can it be that, based on results of MPD’s public records, NONE of those Slide-Stocks made it into MPD inventory, or to the Evidence Locker?
Q2. If that actually were the sequence of events, just who, prey tell, do you think could be in possession of those items be now?
“If it’s free, it’s for me”.
On April 30, 2019 at 7:27 pm, Gryphon said:
I’m beginning to Wonder if the bolsheviks are Smart Enough to See that EVERY attempt to Ban/Register Weapons and their Accessories has been a Failure. But, they keep on Doubling Down on that Stupid.
One thing that is Certain, virtually None of the politicians involved in stuff like this have ANY daily contact with the People who they are attempting to (eventually) Genocide.