Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

S.C. Lawmakers Wisely Back Away From Open Carry Laws

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

So says some dude named Brian Hicks.

A substitute teacher in Alabama accidentally fired his gun in a first-grade classroom recently. No one was hurt, luckily.

In Michigan, a man threw his shoe at a cockroach — forgetting that’s where he kept his pistol. He literally shot himself in the foot.

And in New Mexico, a driver showing off his 9 mm to a friend in the passenger seat accidentally shot a woman … in the car next to them.

All these accidents occurred within the past month. Know what else they have in common?

They all happened in states that allow open carry, which means just about anyone can carry a gun anywhere, whether or not they know the first thing about firearms.

Well, there are a lot of categories under which we could put this formal logical fallacy, but let’s begin with affirming the consequent (or the undistributed middle).  The failures he mentioned could have been related to names, education, the first letters of the states they live in, or any of a number of things.  Brian is merely affirming that he knows the cause of the failures and that they all related to constitutional carry.  He has not demonstrated anything with this bit of misleading prose  Let’s continue.

And some folks wonder why South Carolina lawmakers are hesitant to pass an open carry law here.

Well, it’s not going to happen this year. The controversial legislation is unofficially off the table — because law enforcement is treating a social media post as a threat on Charleston state Rep. Peter McCoy’s life.

You read that correctly.

The Freedom Action Network of South Carolina posted an incendiary statement on Facebook blaming McCoy for the Legislature’s failure to turn this state into the Wild West.

This bit of emotional hyperbole is exactly the same as what they said in Texas before it became an open carry state, and it’s meant for ignorant people to read.  In fact, it’s what every state has said, and South Carolina is one of the few remaining holdouts, along with California, Hawaii, New York and New Jersey.  How about that, Brian.  Aren’t you ensconced a bit far to the South to be following the lead of New Yorkers?  Let’s continue with this messy commentary.

Most say open carry is foolhardy and dangerous.

They’re right. The proposed South Carolina open carry law would let anyone carry a gun onto school grounds and into public parks or bars without demonstrating they know the difference between a clip and a trigger.

I’m sure they do, Brian.  Law enforcement doesn’t like it when they can’t be special.  But I think you’re lying.  I don’t think you really want LEOs to be banned from openly carrying weapons, you just want people who aren’t special to remain banned.  But if you were honest, you’d see that it’s cops who perpetrate most of the negligent discharges, shoot most of the innocent people, and cause the most danger to the community.

Well, that about does it.  If you want to read the rest of Brian’s droll commentary, I’ve linked it.  But if you don’t like “propaganda,” Brian, how about a little truth-telling.  You’re a communist, just like the state senator who was looking for an excuse to terminate consideration of the open carry bill in S.C.  And the fact that the senate was already looking for ways to kill the bill makes us wonder what else was going on behind the scenes.

Oklahoma AR Pistol Walk

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Apparently, some dude is taking his AR pistol for a walk in every Oklahoma city and recording the interactions with police.

This Isn’t Suppose To Happen In Gun Control Utopia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago


SYDNEY (Reuters) – A drive-by shooting outside a nightclub in the Australian city of Melbourne inflicted “horrific injuries” that killed a security guard and wounded three men, police said on Sunday, but there was no suggestion yet that the attack was terror-related.

Australia has some of the world’s toughest gun control laws, adopted after its worst mass murder, when a gunman killed 35 people at Port Arthur in the island state of Tasmania in 1996.

I thought when you had a gun buy-back, the criminals turned them all in just like everyone else?

The U.S. Without The Electoral College

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Eric Swalwell Plans On Coming To Your Home To Confiscate Your Firearms

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

The awful and childish Jake Tapper interviewed Eric Swalwell on guns.

California Rep. Eric Swalwell — a recently announced Democratic presidential candidate — said Sunday his call for a ban on assault weapons was not a step toward broader gun bans.

“You know, keep your pistols, keep your long rifles, keep your shotguns,” Swalwell said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper when asked about anxiety from gun owners that an assault weapons ban could be an incremental step to a larger gun ban.

He continued, “I want the most dangerous weapons, these weapons of war, out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”

Swalwell announced last Monday he would join the widening Democratic presidential field and scheduled his first event at a town hall near Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, the site of a deadly school shooting last year.

He has called for a ban on “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” with a buy-back program.
In Sunday’s interview, Swalwell said the ban would come with criminal consequences for people who did not participate in the buy-back, but also suggested an “alternative, which would be to keep them at a hunting club or a shooting range.”
He said that the US should follow Australia and New Zealand, which both moved quickly to put in place new gun measures after deadly shootings and that the weapons covered under his policy were “devastating” and inspired fear.
“It’s not just the violence that they’ve caused, it’s the fear, the immeasurable fear that our children live in because they are still on our streets,” Swalwell said. “I want to get rid of that fear.”

Oh, is that it, Jake?  Is the only objectionable thing about a renewed “assault weapons ban” that it might be an incremental step towards a larger gun ban?  Do they pay you actual money for these tough questions?

How about this one, Jake – ask Eric this one.  “Do you plan on confiscating those ARs yourself, Eric, or are you going to send law enforcement door-to-door to collect tens of millions of semi-automatic guns from people who don’t intend on giving them up?”  Or this one.  ” Do you really, honestly think that Americans would allow their guns or any other personal property to be kept at a range instead of in their home?  Really?”

Are these guys insulated from working class, flyover America, or what?

Kamala Harris Trolls The Second Amendment

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

David Codrea:

Harris is pulling one of the oldest cons in the book, the “I’m a gun owner but” dodge, and in this case, her “but” is huge. Here’s another trick she’s employing: When she offers a couple of “gun laws” she believes she can pass off as “practical solutions,” note she prefaces them with the phrase “which include.”  That means there are plenty more she hasn’t mentioned. Then she ends her pitch with “Period,” as if that’s the end game.

It’s not. What she won’t do is define what new edicts would finally be enough for her to say “No more.” That’s because if she thought she could, she’d be going after a total monopoly of violence. There are some things it’s not prudent to admit just yet, especially since she’s now playing to a bigger crowd than California, and has to at least pretend to be “one of us.”

But it only matters to idiots who don’t know history.  The controllers never go after their own – they just go after their enemies so that they can’t defend themselves against [a] individuals, or [b] the state, or in other words, the controllers.

As reader The Alaskan always says, those who want to take your guns are planning on keeping theirs.  But of course, her position is essentially no different than that of Pete Buttiegieg or any other democratic candidate.

Finally, we all know that when Ms. Lindsey Graham sends her red flag gun confiscation bill to Trump, he’ll sign it.  It was Trump’s idea, just like the bump stock ban.  I fear that it someone sent him a new assault weapons ban, he’d sign that too.  I can see him wagging his righteous finger at us saying, “No one needs a weapon of war except …”

Because Ms. Graham is a controller too.  There isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Ms. Graham and Kamala Harris.

Jury Nullification: What Is It, And Why Does It Matter?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Based on what I heard in the video, I don’t honestly think I would ever be selected for a jury.  Any sitting around waiting in jury rooms is a waste of my time.

Tim Harmsen Of Military Arms Channel Begins An Interesting Run-To-Failure Test Of AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Like me, Tim is a champion and fan of the AR-15 design.  He begins an interesting test with a BCM rifle.

He shot 1000 rounds in 35 minutes.  We’ll see how far this goes before it gives up as he tracks this over time without cleaning or maintenance.

The guys at Wanat claimed that their Colts gave up after shooting 800 rounds in 30 minutes.  My bet is that they were firing in 3-round bursts.  Although I still can’t see how they managed to put more rounds downrange than Tim.

When Tim posted this a few minutes ago, I heard that Bob Scales puked in his cream of wheat.  His contract with H&K stipulates that no one can perform any more run-to-failure tests proving that no one really needs a piston system.

“Rifle is fine.”

Why Ballistics Gel Works And Caliber Arguments Are Dumb

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Via BRVTVS, this is an interesting video.

I have to say that I do have one problem with it.  Mr. Johann Boden speaks as if the only important factor in the high velocity from rifle ammunition (and here he’s speaking of the 5.56mm AR, which is an important distinction in the conversation) is the hydrostatic shock from velocities greater than 2200 FPS.

That simply isn’t so.  We’ve learned over the years that the tendency to tumble and yaw (even in flight, but especially in tissue) and break apart into multiple pieces is one of the defining characteristics of the lethality of the ammunition, in no small part yielding its massive success on the battlefield.

As we’ve discussed before, see Small Caliber Lethality: 5.56 Performance in Close Quarters Battle.

How The ‘Open Carry’ Gun-Rights Effort In South Carolina Shot Itself In The Foot

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

So says the Greenville News.

The push for open carry gun laws in South Carolina has backfired after one of the bill’s supporters threatened a top state lawmaker.

In response, a state Senate subcommittee chairman postponed Tuesday’s hearing on the bill, effectively killing it for the year by ensuring it misses a Wednesday deadline to pass either the House or the Senate.

State Sen. Stephen Goldfinch, R-Georgetown, tweeted Monday he was postponing the hearing “until further notice.”

“Even though I’m supportive of Open Carry ideals, I will not stand by and allow threats to my friends,” Goldfinch wrote in support of S.C. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter McCoy, the Charleston Republican who received the threat.

McCoy is being monitored by law enforcement after a gun rights activist took to social media to suggest shooting McCoy for allegedly holding up an open carry proposal.

The open carry bill would allow lawful gun owners to carry their firearms, concealed or not, without a permit in South Carolina.

We really need for some South Carolinian to weigh in on this, but my spidey sense tells me something else is going on here.

It could be someone who didn’t think that he’s being monitored 24/7, like we all are.  Or it just could be a mercenary for some some controller who knows how to bounce his IP address around to avoid detection, who wanted to send the hearings into a tail spin.  In other words, a false flag.  You know it happens, more often than you think.

After all, the controllers can’t afford to lose the remaining holdout by South Carolina throwing off the shackles of control by elitists.

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