High Capacity Magazine Ban
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 8 months ago
Via WoG, “HR 1186 would ban all magazines that hold a capacity of more than 10 rounds. This will only punish law-abiding gun owners and hinder their right to self-defense.”
It supposedly has a decent chance of success. Hey, what do you bet our “As long as I’m in the White House they won’t come after your guns” President will sign the bill into law?
On May 14, 2019 at 5:10 pm, Badger said:
Read the text, another that creates a separate class for active/retired “only ones.”
It also makes criminals out of many cowboy shooters with pistol-caliber leverguns.
And your tax-theft dollars at work for buybacks. Decorum restrains me from saying further.
On May 14, 2019 at 5:45 pm, Matt said:
The legal system and politicians behind it need to think really hard, and then rethink even harder before going and making millions of armed citizens into criminals.
On May 14, 2019 at 7:43 pm, Gryphon said:
Bans and ‘Registration” are Irrelevant now, the politicians just haven’t figured it Out yet… State Magazine Bans and “Assault Rifle” registration are already being Ignored in a Widespread Manner in those States.
Hey, Don- How Many ‘bump stocks’ has Your ‘Ban’ collected?
Tick Tock, futhermuckers….
On May 14, 2019 at 7:46 pm, Michael said:
Truly jaw-dropping, the complete lack of self awareness of these critters. They proudly place their names on the bill, a mark of pride. They have no concept of the size of the cage they’re rattling, nor what it contains. I’m sorry to say that I think Bracken was more prescient than I realized. I did not think that this would come so soon.
On May 15, 2019 at 10:46 am, DAN III said:
The problem with these “bans” is not that the Traditional American will comply with the tyranny. He will not. The problem is the small businesses along with the corporate entities. They will do ALL they can to remain in the good graces of fedgov, particularly the tax collecting criminals of both stategov & fedgov.
Just last week I was going to make an ammunition purchase from an out-of-state supplier. Reviewing my order before hitting “okey-doke” I read they were assessing me state tax from my state of residence !
Upon my challenge to them as being revenue agents for my state they gave me a most disingenuous reply. They stated recent federal law changes enable the private vendor to collect state taxes. Specifically, the vendor MAY collect taxes. Not “shall”. Not “will”. But MAY collect state taxes on out-of-state purchasers. Otherwise, the purchaser has to show “good faith” and be his own revenooer ! He is obligated to report his out-of-state purchase to his taxing entity using “good faith”.
Folks….if you are buying anything online and the vendor attempts to tax your purchase….terminate the transaction immediately ! Cease doing business with vendors who want you to bend over to the state. IMO such vendors are simply communist entities.