In Memoriam
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 8 months ago
Memorial Day is more than just the “unofficial start of summer.” It was originally a celebration of the lives sacrificed on both sides during the War Between the States. Not an official federal holiday until 1971, the history of Memorial Day is one of controversy. This guide traces the origins of this American day dedicated to remembering and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Remember, Memorial Day isn’t Veteran’s Day. The two are very different. I have been blessed to be able to say that not only did my own son come home from war, all of my uncles who fought in WWII and the Korean War also came home.
But there are many who didn’t, at least, not alive. That’s what you remember.
On May 28, 2019 at 1:50 pm, moe mensale said:
It would be great if our government stopped adding to the list of those we remember because of its stupid, useless and endless wars to protect not our country but our country’s “interests.”