Gun Controller Loathing Of Women Who Have Defended Themselves
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 7 months ago
The perspective from a controller.
At this year’s National Rifle Association annual meeting, President Donald Trump invited some special guests on stage. The first was a young mother from Virginia, April Evans.
“One night in 2015 she was alone with her two-year-old daughter when an intruder broke into her home violently,” said Trump.
“April took care of it.”The crowd swooned.
[ … ]
“But kind of underlying all of this is a presumption about crime that whatever happens to you it’s probably going to be strangers who perpetrate it,” said Carlson. “It’s going to be sudden, it’s going to be fast and it’s going to be violent. And really the only thing you have to do is figure out how to basically train your muscle memory to respond as fast as possible.”
What gets left out of that narrative, according to Carlson, is that most sexual assaults don’t look like that. Neither does domestic violence.
“You’re experiencing crime and victimization, not as a one-off, acute moment of violence, but it’s generally in the form of mental abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse,” said Carlson.
According to the FBI, attacks from strangers make up less than a third of violent crimes against women. The vast majority of violence women face comes from people they know.
This is an amazing commentary. It can’t be described any other way than open loathing of women who have defended themselves. Do you sense the commentary dripping with sarcasm and hatred for women who won’t go silently into the night and perish for the sake of the social planners?
First of all I won’t stipulate to their alleged statistics on anything until I’ve had a chance to review the data and perform the calculations myself. But let’s grant for the sake of the discussion that they’re right and only a moderate fraction of women defend themselves from strangers intent on raping them or invading their homes to do them harm.
The author’s argument is that she doesn’t care. She is willing to grant that this fraction gets raped or killed for the sake of gun control. Her argument is that because she isn’t convinced that this fraction, whatever it is, is worth it, she wants to control means of self defense for everyone.
Only the most crass, blinded and wicked person could develop and perpetrate such an argument. It’s the same kind of person who seems to dominate the political scene today, with environmentalists who would rather men get eaten by animals than carry weapons in the bush, and women who believe in sacrificing their children to Baal for the sake of convenience or some other reason.
This category of person is dangerous. They do not believe that mankind is made in God’s image. They believe they have the right and knowledge to dictate the terms of survival to everyone else, and to them, you are just a statistic.
Never listen to these people except to refute them, teach your family and friends better, and know where the FUSA is headed long term.
On June 3, 2019 at 9:18 pm, GomeznSA said:
NOT wishing anything bad to anyone but I suspect that Carlson will sing a very different tune if she ever happens to be attacked – and survives. Further, those 1/3 she apparently cares little (if anything) about are certainly VERY glad that they were able to resist.
On June 4, 2019 at 6:24 am, ragman said:
Evil is my preferred word to describe someone like this.
On June 4, 2019 at 7:54 am, Heywood said:
“If it saves just one life….”
I mean…not in this case, because. Shut. Up.
On June 4, 2019 at 3:49 pm, ExpatNJ said:
‘GomeznSA’ –
Far too many victims of violent crime double-down, and become even more staunch anti-self-defense zealots. Perhaps they suffered permanent brain damage or irreversible emotional/psychological trauma. They may have already had a predisposition to delusion. Maybe they just want notoriety and their 15 minutes of fame. Or, they might be seeking something more nefarious:
“Human nature often degenerates – unfortunately – into one of two ultimate goals: Money, and/or Power-Control”. – ExpatNJ, 06/03/2019,
I offer Sarah Brady, Gabby Giffords (and others), as ample evidence.
‘Ragman’ has them pegged: Evil, indeed.
On June 7, 2019 at 10:06 pm, BRVTVS said:
And here’s a case where a bear was stalking a man. He fired a shot with a 22, thinking the bear would run off. It died, and now the controllers are fining him $25,000 for defense against what was obviously a problem bear.,17152
On June 8, 2019 at 7:45 am, Fred said:
“I had multiple encounters with the bear that day and the last time it came in, it started circling me,” Stalkup said in court.
@BRTVS, and all, I’m confused by this as well. Uh, the man DID kill the bear in self-defense but it would appear to me that he didn’t understand the danger that he was most certainly in, being stalked all day long. And, he made the mistake of telling the authorities that he only wanted to fire a warning shot and he continued, even in court, to fail to realize that his life was at risk from this bear. Incredible!
2 things:
1. Never shoot something that you are not willing to destroy.
2. If he had merely intended to kill it, see thing 1 above, he would not have been in trouble.
That nobody in the courtroom or among the authorities throughout this instance recognized the danger that he was is in beyond belief. In fact, I don’t believe it. I think that the Fish and Game authorities KNOWINGLY wrongfully fined and convicted him…because of magic costumes and the power from on high and CONTROL.
An honest head Game Warden would have explained to him that his life was indeed in danger, that he was fortunate to be alive, and that he did the right thing, and then seen him on his way by telling him; Have a nice evening, Mr. Stalkup.
But, Stalkup is to blame as well because he convicted himself.