Australia Mass Shooting Of 2019
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 7 months ago
Four are dead and one is injured in Australia’s second deadliest mass shooting since the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania.
A 45-year-old gunman began opening fire with a pump-action shot gun at a motel in the northern city of Darwin before opening fire at other nearby locations in the city’s central business district around 6 p.m. Monday. Pump-action shotguns are largely prohibited in the country under sweeping legislation passed in the aftermath of the Port Arthur shooting, where 35 people were killed.
“He shot up all the rooms, and he went to every room looking for somebody, and he shot them all up,” John Rose, a witness, told Australia’s public broadcaster. “Then we saw him rush out, jump into his Toyota pickup and rush off.”
But with all of those gun control laws, this isn’t supposed to happen.
It looks like at present there are actually five deceased. Let’s see. An illegal firearm, out on parole, with an electronic monitoring bracelet.
Where there’s a will there’s a way. Gun control laws don’t work to stop this sort of thing and everyone knows it.
Avoid crowds, carry guns, and watch your six.
On June 5, 2019 at 8:11 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
Heard about this on the news and the first thing I thought was: “Looks like those awesome Australian gun control laws are working quite well.” (/sarc)
The control freaks will be out in force, though, demanding even more laws. Haven’t these clowns figured out that ink on paper doesn’t stop anyone intent on committing a crime?
On June 5, 2019 at 2:21 pm, Joshua Smith said:
All that will happen is further gun confiscation in the Northern Territory, which has marginally more relaxed gun laws than the rest of the country.
On June 5, 2019 at 2:38 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Suspicious how this happened after more RKBA-friendly politicians were just elected there, huh? And, immediately after incidents in Virginia, et. al.?
File this under: Conspiracy: False Flag.
On June 5, 2019 at 2:45 pm, Michael (from Utah) said:
@ExpatNJ –
I may be a nut, but I’ve come to the conclusion that many, if not all, of the mass shootings I hear about in the US are probably false flags.
On June 5, 2019 at 9:22 pm, Fred said:
So everybody who wasn’t a criminal got shot or had to take evasive action to survive and everybody who was a criminal had a gun and shot up the place and killed people and then simply drove off. Brilliant. This is the product of decades of hard and tireless work by the most astute and most well educated central planners the earth has ever known. Again, simply brilliant. They are a very special bread these elite. They are above reproach, unquestionably the most superior humans, purely the finest in every detail, fit, fashion and manner. How could we not bow down?
On June 6, 2019 at 2:47 pm, Sanders said:
Now they’ll want to take the guns away from everyone who didn’t do it.