“Break The Cross,” The Jihadists Shout!
BY Herschel Smith
A 37-year-old Muslim migrant in Rome was recently arrested for homicide after he stabbed a Christian man in the throat for wearing a crucifix around his neck. “Religious hate” is cited as an “aggravating factor” in the crime.
To be sure, this is hardly the first “religious hate” crime to occur in the context of the cross in Italy. Among others,
- A Muslim boy of African origin picked on, insulted, and eventually beat a 12-year-old girl during school because she too was wearing a crucifix.
- A Muslim migrant invaded an old church in Venice and attacked its large, 300-year-old cross, breaking off one of its arms, while shouting, “All that is in a church is false!”
- After a crucifix was destroyed in close proximity to a populated mosque, the area’s mayor said concerning the identity of the culprit(s): “Before we put a show of unity with Muslims, let’s have them begin by respecting our civilization and our culture.”
The fact is, Islamic hostility to the cross is an unwavering phenomenon—one that crosses continents and centuries; one that is very much indicative of Islam’s innate hostility to Christianity.
For starters, not only is the cross the quintessential symbol of Christianity—for all denominations, including most forms of otherwise iconoclastic Protestantism—but it symbolizes the fundamental disagreement between Christians and Muslims. As Professor Sidney Griffith explains, “The cross and the icons publicly declared those very points of Christian faith which the Koran, in the Muslim view, explicitly denied: that Christ was the Son of God and that he died on the cross.” Accordingly, “the Christian practice of venerating the cross … often aroused the disdain of Muslims,” so that from the start of the Muslim conquests of Christian lands there was an ongoing “campaign to erase the public symbols of Christianity, especially the previously ubiquitous sign of the cross.”
This “campaign” traces back to the Muslim prophet Muhammad. He reportedly “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it,” wrote one historian (Sword and Scimitar, p. 10). Muhammad also claimed that at the end times Jesus (the Muslim ‘Isa) himself would make it a point to “break the cross.”
Modern day Muslim clerics confirm this. When asked about Islam’s ruling on whether any person—in this case, Christians—is permitted to wear or pray before the cross, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi, a Saudi expert on Islamic law, said, “Under no circumstances is a human permitted to wear the cross” nor “is anyone permitted to pray to the cross.” Why? “Because the prophet—peace and blessings on him—commanded the breaking of it [the cross].”
There is much more. He documents many more recent instances of violence against Christians.
But for most American Christians, believers in the premillennial rapture, they will be swept out before any real persecution begins, directly contrary to the balance of history which shows that Christians always live through the mess around them. Such belief also underscores the silly notion that the Bible was written for Americans, who believe that if they aren’t being persecuted, then it must not be happening. Tell that to the Christians raped and beheaded in Mesopotamia by the Muslims there.
But where are the Muslims in America, you ask? To which I reply, are you alive and looking around you? Do you know what’s happening in the prisons of America as an incubator for Islam? Do the folks in South Carolina know there is an Islamic settlement, courtesy of the FedGov, in the Upstate region near Spartanburg? Do you know that this is duplicated all over America, out to Boise and Twin Falls?
Arm up and train up. You’re next on their list if you are a “cross worshipper” (by which they mean Christian). Drop those notions that Jesus was a Bohemian, peacenik, hippie, flower child, pacifist). Your family is counting on you.
On June 9, 2019 at 10:46 pm, Ratus said:
“But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” – Luke 22:36
On June 9, 2019 at 11:58 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel
Re: “Arm up and train up. You’re next on their list if you are a “cross worshipper” (by which they mean Christian).”
Raymond Ibrahim’s superb new historical account of the 1,400-year old war by Islam against the West (and non-Muslims everywhere) recounts significant engagements, skirmishes, battles, and campaigns throughout that nearly millennium and a half of nearly ceaseless jihad.
For more than a thousand years, prominent Islamic military leaders, sheiks, imams and caliphs have, by turns, mused and boasted of their plans to quarter their horses in the Vatican once the soldiers of Allah take the Holy City. This is the measure of the “esteem” in which many Muslims hold Christianity.
A few years ago, Pope Francis – the current globalist, one-worlder Marxist now occupying the seat of the Pontiff – held one of those smarmy “inter-faith gatherings,” amongst whose attendees was a Sunni Muslim imam. Francis delivered a brief talk with his usual soothing “let’s all hold hands” platitudes, and then welcomed the imam and bid him to speak.
The imam spoke all, all right, in faultless Arabic – delivering an address which proclaimed the supremacy of Islam and how overjoyed that he was saying those words inside of the walls of the holiest city within Catholic Christianity. Victory would soon belong to the shahids, to the true believers of Islam. It was only a matter of time.
Pope Francis, who does not speak Arabic, understood none of this. He looked on, an idiotic smile on his uncomprehending face – unaware that he had just supplicated himself to Islam’s supremacy within the walls of the Vatican itself.
As an aside, it is rumored that Pope Francis is “owned,” – right down to his shoes – by billionaire trouble-maker and globalist George Soros, who is alleged to have used his considerable influence and ample funds to have Pope Benedict removed and Pope Francis installed, by the College of Cardinals.
Getting back to the soldiers of Allah, they have a saying about their adversaries,
“First we take care of Saturday, then we take care of Sunday”…
Saturday being the Jewish sabbath; Sunday being the sabbath for Christians. How much more-obvious do they have to make their intentions before non-Muslims wake up and recognize the terrible threat which approaches?
Many people – even those with scant education or interest in history – are aware of the pivotal and historic role played by Sir Winston S. Churchill in warning the civilized world about the dangers of fascism. Almost alone during the late 1920s and 1930s, Churchill – a virtual outcast in the back-benches of British Parliament – warned of the approaching storm, despite being the butt of ceaseless ridicule by many of his colleagues. History and time proved the great man correct, and he led Britain through her darkest hours of World War Two before the eventual triumph.
What is much less know about this great statesmen is how he tried to warn the civilized world – in particular European civilization – about Islam.
One hundred twenty years ago, in 1899, Churchill, a young British cavalry officer who had just concluded combat service in the Sudan, penned the book “The River War,” in which he penned lengthy passages analyzing Islam and foretelling of its dangers to Europe and western civilization.
Churchill’s trenchant observations would have been impressive from a man of any age, but the young subaltern was only twenty-five years old when the book was published in 1899. He was indeed far-sighted and prescient.
Apropos of Churchill’s warnings in “The River War” a year or two ago, British opposition politician Paul Weston went to “Speaker’s Corner” in London to deliver an oratory, an ancient Englishman’s right, he believed – but when he quoted Churchill’s words on Islam from “The River War,” he was arrested by the authorities and charged with a hate crime.
WSC was unavailable for comment, but was undoubtedly spinning in his grave, at the fact that the so-called “elites” in the U.K. are more-or-less handing over their ancient civilization to the Muslims.
Americans ought to make no mistake about it. What the globalist elites did in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, and are attempting to do in Canada, they also have in mind for the United States.
On June 10, 2019 at 6:53 am, Heywood said:
Been to MN lately? Parts of the twin cities look like Somalia! The welfare is good up there.
On June 10, 2019 at 7:35 am, Chris said:
Yeah it’s slowly starting to happen more frequently here in the Keystone. Now the lieutenant gov opens up the residence pool at the Gap to the public,since they don’t live there. For the children. The key reason his wife says is “Swimming comes with a painful legacy of racial segregation”.
They just won’t stop will they, because diversity…..
On June 10, 2019 at 7:50 am, Guy Gardner said:
Yup, coming to a town near you. Here in Idaho, Twin Falls has surrendered and as always it spreads like the pestilence it is. Be well prepared, voting will not get us justice, that will require our blood. As an addition, Raymond Ibrahim’s book, Sword and Scimitar is very well researched and should be read by all Americans while there is still time for beans, bullets and band aids. Heavy on the bullets.
On June 10, 2019 at 7:53 am, Fred said:
“Muhammad also claimed that at the end times Jesus (the Muslim ‘Isa) himself would make it a point to “break the cross.””
This is important, especially for infant Christians and those Christians that refuse to grow. A muz will tell you that they 1. agree in part about Jesus. Then they will tell you that they agree 2. that Jesus of Nazereth is coming back. Then they will attempt to 3. convince you islam is the true faith of Jesus. Then they will 4. try to convince you that Jesus is the 12th imam or some similar blather.
This is an evangelistic technique, and a good one, reaching future converts at the point of their current belief. A man who believes on the LORD Christ Jesus, who reads and studies the Holy Bible, and prays, and seeks the work that our LORD would have him to do would at some point realize, by the Holy Spirit, what his muz ‘friend’ was trying to do. An infant milk taker could, be drawn away into a falsehood. The muz ‘friend’ telling you that he understands that Jesus was real and a [P]profit, is NOT your friend, he is an agent of the devil sent to deceive and lead you astray.
Our LORD is coming back in power and glory and it won’t be pleasant for unbelievers. If you don’t believe on the true and only Son of God then you need to get this squared away today. If you believe and refuse to grow, take care your own house first, you are worse than an infidel. Get this straight now. It is a spiritual battle. Stock up on God’s ammo FIRST, and then get ‘ya some more 5.56.
“The fact is, Islamic hostility to the cross is an unwavering phenomenon—one that crosses continents and centuries; one that is very much indicative of Islam’s innate hostility to Christianity.” – Left unspeakable in America today is that the Talmudists agree with this. Either ‘religion’ not knowing the difference between a Christian, and one who looks like a Christian in the West, wants to convert or kill you even if you don’t believe. Fyi.
On June 10, 2019 at 7:59 am, Frank Clarke said:
Heywood makes an interesting observation but goes only part way.
Islam can exist in the modern world only because we have prepared its bed in the form of a welfare state. Absent largesse from the wealth-producers around them, most Muslims would be living in squalor such as we see in the typical middle eastern hellhole or San Francisco. The one shining contra-example of this is Israel. Should Islam take over, we will ALL be living in that squalor.
Islam is an ideology that shuns technology. Left to their own devices, most Muslim communities would quickly devolve to their natural state: a 9th- or 8th-century ‘civilization’.
The solution should be (as Brother Gregory used to tell me) “intuitively obvious to the meanest of intellects”: starve them out of existence.
If we’re unwilling to do that, we might as well raise the white flag (or the black one, whichever seems most appropriate).
On June 10, 2019 at 8:53 am, Fred said:
@GeorgiaBoy, excellent points all. And truly you are a wealth of knowledge. Thanks. But, yes there is a but, to @Frank Clark’s point, Churchill was, by way of the facts of his resultant post war policies, a socialist himself. He, unlike in the US, removed very little of the war time command and controls especially those over the economy. His post war policies of not fully ending the war time home front footing set the stage for the current welfare state that is Great Britain, and the largess that supports the muz invaders there.
Churchill wrote much that sounded very good and he certainly talked a good freedom game but he, by his policies, was a socialist himself. An age old cry of the oppressor is; “War, War, it’s an emergency, maybe a Forth Reich, the Russians, blah blah, we have to harm you to save you.” The people of England fell for it having been much closer to the war and feeling the effects of the Fascist threat. The commies won the war and to this day they are still pointing at the fascists and the Russians when they should be worried, as a Northern Block, about the southern peoples. They know all of this and are using the muz/central and south American invasion to defeat us. Short on facts and long on hearsay this is my understanding.
On June 10, 2019 at 9:32 am, revjen45 said:
Islam is a parasitic construct. It is based on a pirate mentality – take, don’t work. They are used to pulling their crap in Europe. FUSA still has people who aren’t eunuchs and we still have guns.
What I don’t grok is the level of cognitive dissonance required to denounce Christians as haters for calling out the Felchers and Chimos as undesirable while the Muzzies are pitching them off of high roofs. And if you point this out it’s hate speech.
On June 10, 2019 at 12:28 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Fred
Your points about WSC have some merit. The man was in his element as a wartime leader (well, most of the time – the WWI Dardanelles campaign excepting), but he was mediocre as a peacetime leader. Churchill believed in elements of socialism during his life, but shed them as he grew older and wiser, and saw that they didn’t work in the real world.
Churchill once observed that anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head.
He also said of socialism, “”Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
So, evidently, this is where Churchill ended up in his views about socialism.
Another point bears mentioning, which is that WSC was a man of his time.
He was an unabashed imperialist who sought to hold the British Empire together during the post-colonial era which accelerated following WWII.
Born during the Victorian Age and as one who matured during the era of the bureaucratic state as the preferred form of government, Churchill was probably predisposed to look to the state itself as the solution to problems. This can only have been reinforced by the fact that WSC spent virtually his whole life working in or around the British government.
From our vantage point, here in the 21st century, such belief in the government as a vehicle for progress seems naïve, foolish and even dangerous – but remember that in that now-faraway time, the British government had not yet become the monstrosity it is today.
I am of the belief that if the great man came back to life today, he would rebel against the present status quo in Britain with every fiber of his being. He would also side with such figures as Geert Wilders of the Netherlands, Viktor Orban of Hungary, and Paul Weston and Tommy Robinson in his homeland – against the tyranny of the EU.
On June 13, 2019 at 8:21 pm, Gryphon said:
Take Note, Herschel, the Muslim has No Interest in Christians who Argue about “Who is a Real Christian” and other politico-religious Fallacy… It’s Kill ’em All and let Allah sort them out.
On June 13, 2019 at 9:33 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Why should I take note? You’re pointing out something different than I have on the pages of TCJ? Why would Muslims be interested in what defines a true Christian, and why should a Christian care what a Muslim thinks about the details of his theology?