The Danger Of Elitism In The Gun Community
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 7 months ago
I agree with everything he says. Sometimes gun owners can appear to be pricks to those who aren’t in the gun community and haven’t grown a thick skin like we have. Off-putting is a good word for how newbies see this elitist behavior, and it becomes a sort of de facto gun control, whether you intend it or not.
On June 12, 2019 at 12:45 am, Bill said:
On June 12, 2019 at 8:13 am, Ned said:
I’m always interested in budget items. Who among us hasn’t seen the self important gun salesman pushing the wrong gun on newbies? I actually saw a guy try to by a 270 for elk hunting walk out of a gun store without a rifle because the salesman told him he needed at minimum a .338. There was a nice Weatherby Vanguard 270 on the wall.
So many “experts”.
On June 12, 2019 at 8:25 am, revjen45 said:
Another thought: Used military. Any milspec gun has been tested by a nation’s military under demanding conditions.
Firearms News has some mouseguns (Star BM, Polish Makarov replacements. etc.) that probably work better than that Hi-Point .380 for about the same $. It seems like a bad idea to sell a newb a gun that may or may not go bang twice. Clearing stoppages is probably not a skillset in that young lady’s repertoire.
How about a 20 ga pump?
On June 12, 2019 at 9:55 am, Longbow said:
Long winded, but perfectly correct.
We must engage and provide information. Budget guns are NOT to be sneered at.
I sold a Taurus G2C last weekend to someone who wanted it because he could afford it.
Is it a Sig 365? No.
Does it work and work well? YES! Does it launch the same bullet at the same velocity? Yes! Could my buyer use it to defend his life, and the lives of his loved ones!? Yes!
Is a 1980 Honda Civic CVCC equal to a Cadillac El Dorado? No.
Did it work equally well for the man on a budget?
You bet!
Did the Honda dealer make money on it and sell hundreds of them? You betcha!
Let us all pledge, that next time we go to the range, that we engage with fellow shooters. Let us take a non-shooter to the range and introduce them to a new skill. Let us provide advice when it is asked, and encouragement when it is needed.
Be well and God bless,
On June 12, 2019 at 7:15 pm, joe said:
i bought a bersa 380 about 10 years ago…great little gun…paid $150 for it, you can get them new for $220 or less…shoots straight, pretty accurate…built like a tank…sometimes cheap is good…