Encouraging Home Schooling
BY Herschel Smith
John Lovell and his wife are home schoolers. For a period of time all four of my children went to private Christian schools, but of course that becomes expensive, as much at the time as sending a child to college locally. It becomes cost-prohibitive.
Home schooling is a great option, especially since public schools are centers for communist indoctrination now. When time permits (it’s tight right now), I’ll give you a complete run-down of an experience I had in our brief time in public school with one of my children, and the utter stupidity and ignorance of one of the science teachers.
It wasn’t long after that we decided to home school for the final years. Not only are public schools centers of communist indoctrination, they’re homes for idiots.
Oh, John, take a brush to that hair at least once a day like I do. You have a lot, I have little left. Care for it while you can.
On June 21, 2019 at 12:11 pm, Badger said:
My 2 oldest grand-daughters were home-schooled through 7th grade, entered Catholic middle school, and then onto the local public HS – where they proceeded to ‘smoke’ everything in sight. However, the best result is that they are both fine citizens, genuinely good human beings & objective thinkers, innoculated against peer/fad politics and recognizing agit-prop for what it is. This is one happy Grandpa. The High Church of Public Akademia has their “bar” lying on the ground so long as the bak-sheesh is paid.