Ignoring The Republican Role In Advancing Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
Advocates for Self Government:
Biden was the Senator who introduced the Gun-Free School Zones Act in 1990. In this same tweet, Kirk called out Biden saying that he “has done more to allow school shootings than the NRA or any Republican ever has.”
Although Biden deserves the brunt of the blame for creating this terrible piece of legislation, Kirk conveniently ignores on a key point in his Biden hit—the 1990 GFSZA was signed by Republican President George H.W. Bush.
It takes two to tango in today’s status quo of ever-expanding government. Gun rights have not been excluded from this trend. Indeed, the Democrats held both chambers of Congress during that time. However, it stands to reason that a Republican president, who is supposedly “pro-gun”, would veto such legislation. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
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Generic Republicans can huff and puff about being pro-gun, but they too have been complicit in advancing gun control. As a matter of fact, it was a Republican Governor, Rick Scott, who signed Florida’s most expansive gun control law to date following the Parkland shooting.
There is something more at play with regards to why gun control continues to move forward. It’s not just about electing the “right” Republicans.
Ultimately, it boils down to changing the culture and the political environment around politicians in order to get them to behave accordingly. Bad politics follows bad ideas.
The author still hasn’t put his finger on exactly what’s wrong. He understands the ailment, but not its cause. Thus he cannot prescribe a cure. Here it is for you.
In God’s economy, there are three institutions: Family, Church and State. When either usurps the role of another and takes to itself the province belonging elsewhere, it is an affront to God’s laws.
God has decreed that the family would raise children and teach them moral values as well as create a society of education, work and play. The Church is the moral institution for the family – not against it, but as an aid. The state’s rightful task is to punish evil-doers and protect boundaries of the state.
It isn’t the state’s proper function to teach ethics, encourage morals, attempt to eradicate sin, or enhance man’s behavior towards good. That is a usurpation of the power and authority belonging to other institutions. It also isn’t the job of the government (the state) to dispense grace, e.g., largesse, meals, clothing, goods, wares, etc. That’s the province of the family and church.
God never blesses disobedience to His law-word. He will never bless the state’s usurpation of the province of another. That is an insult to the Almighty, high-handed sin, a declaration that the creature is wiser than the creator, the same sin that afflicted Adam.
Republicans have bought into the great lie just like democrats. That’s why republicans often lead the charge for do-gooder, meddling, nanny-state programs to lift the poor out of poverty and control over weapons to combat crime. Those programs will always fail.
Only obedience to God’s law will be blessed.
On June 24, 2019 at 10:10 am, ODG said:
Agree 100%. I feel like I should enter some useful comments, but I really don’t have any more to add.
Time for me to go over all the posts on this topic, and combine them for good arguments with my prone-to-meddle friends and family. When’s your book on this topic coming out?
On June 24, 2019 at 10:40 am, Fred said:
Yep, the evidence speaks for itself. All my Republican friends are socialists and idolaters of dot gov, they just don’t know it. Americans have made themselves and their government as some kind of god. Tick Tock.