Joe Biden On Smart Guns
BY Herschel Smith
Unsurprisingly, Biden either doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he does and doesn’t care that he’s spreading lies. While we’ve seen numerous abortive attempts over the years to bring the technology to market, recent ones involve technologies relying on fingerprint recognition, bracelets and rings, and embedded RFID chips. If DNA is to be added into the mix, it would be interesting to see that idea fleshed out, including how the sample will be extracted and then analyzed to allow for immediate firing by “authorized” users under all conceivable real-world conditions.
Herschel grins and chuckles, begging for someone to take his challenge.
Perform a fault tree analysis of smart guns. Use highly respected guidance like the NRC fault tree handbook.
Assess the reliability of one of my semi-automatic handguns as the first state point, and then add smart gun technology to it, and assess it again. Compare the state points. Then do that again with a revolver. Be honest. Assign a failure probability of greater than zero (0) to the smart technology, because you know that each additional electronic and mechanical component has a failure probability of greater than zero.
Get a PE to seal the work to demonstrate thorough and independent review. If you can prove that so-called “smart guns” are as reliable as my guns, I’ll pour ketchup on my hard hat, eat it, and post video for everyone to see. If you lose, you buy me the gun of my choice. No one will take the challenge because you will lose that challenge. I’ll win. Case closed. End of discussion.
Yet another note to the controllers. Just ponder how awesome it would be for you to get a picture of a gun advocate eating crow (or in this case, his hard hat), covered with the thing he hates the most, Ketchup.
I beg you again, controllers, take my challenge, signed and sealed with the stipulations – you get me eating crow, or I get my choice of guns.
Any takers?
On June 24, 2019 at 12:04 am, Dan said:
The words Biden and smart do not belong in the same sentence.
On June 24, 2019 at 3:07 pm, dad29 said:
The ketchup lobby is preparing a ketchupphobia indictment. Expect demonstrators shortly.
On June 24, 2019 at 5:05 pm, Henry said:
Oh, you had to attack ketchup. Kerry had nothing else to do, now look what you did.
On June 24, 2019 at 5:58 pm, Gryphon said:
Pols like Biden KNOW that the End State is a Total Ban on Weapons (including Knives) for the ‘citizens’. All Talk of half-measures “for Safety” are just Propaganda to Hide their true Intentions.
The Trouble now is, Too Many People are ‘On’ to the Lies….
Tick-Tock, motherfkkers….
On June 25, 2019 at 7:47 am, TRX said:
The police, armed “LEOs”, and the military would be the logical candidates for getting this marvelous new technology first. Even after decades of “retention training”, far to many policemen are killed with their own guns… yet I’m not hearing any demands from their purchasing departments.
There are two possible failure modes for a “smart gun”:
A) can’t shoot if magic widget fails
B) can shoot if magic widget fails
Almost all of the proposals I’ve seen seem to have the underlying assumption that the failure mode will be “A”, and when the electronics or battery give up, the gun will be “safe.” That is, useless, other than as a poorly shaped club.
If you’re going to manage a gun’s ability to fire by using fingerprints or an ID token, consider the situation where more than one person might require use of the gun. Families, friends, etc. You’re going to need the ability to handle multiple authentications.
Some of the newer magic widget plans call for wifi access to some kind of authorization mothership. While this will undoubtedly be a shock to urbanites, most of the country doesn’t even have cellular service, much less free wifi. Outside of the urban hives and along major roads, you have nothing.
Though I’m not particularly old, I remember the days before cellular phones *and* before the various technologies that underlie the internet. What happens when those technologies and their protocols are obsoleted? While some people might roll their eyes and snicker at the thought, what happens to your IPv6 gun when IPv6 is replaced with the new hotness? How are you going to upgrade your gun to make it functional? Oh, I guess that’s the point… my oldest rifle was made under gaslight in a plant powered by steam, proofed by the authority of His Imperial and Royal Majesty Wilhelm II. And it still works.
On a further note, the magic widgets all need batteries. I’m also old enough to have seen several battery types vanish from the market. Seen a B cell lately? How about some N cells? Or any of the early “hearing aid” or “coin” configurations that failed to thrive in the market…