Trump’s Risk With Suppressors

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 8 months ago


Here are seven reasons why action against suppressors is politically risky:

  1. A Suppressor Has Been Used in One Mass Shooting — A suppressor was used on one of the two guns in the Virginia Beach mass shooting. In other words, of all the mass shootings and/or high profile shootings constantly beamed into homes via the establishment media, a suppressor was used in one of them.
  2. Police Still Heard the Gun Shots and Moved Toward Them to Find the Gunman — On May 31, Breitbart News reported Virginia Beach Police Chief James Cervera’s observation that police officers located the Virginia Beach gunman by moving toward the sound of his gun shots.
  3. Suppressors Are Not Silencers — The fact that police moved toward the sound of the gunman’s shots, and that witnesses recalled hearing shot after shot, illustrates the fact that suppressors are not silencers. Rather, they are mufflers that remove the dangerous, high pitches associated with a gun shot.
  4. Suppressors are Already the Most Highly Regulated Firearm Accessory in America — The acquisition of a suppressor requires the submission of fingerprints and photographs, and an in-depth background check. It requires the would-be buyer to pay a $200 federal tax and to register the suppressor with the government. The process of doing these things takes seven to nine months. The would-be buyer is then allowed to come in and receives a federal tax stamp, showing the suppressor is in the buyer’s name, and the buyer is then allowed to take possession of his suppressor.
  5. Suppressor Acquisition Involves Many of the Democrats’ Favorite Gun Controls — As seen in the above paragraph, acquiring a suppressor involves a background check and registration, as well as fingerprinting and photographing the buyer. Yet when these gun controls fail–even in a single instance–Democrats push for more, more, more.
  6. Suppressor Ownership is Legal in 42 States — The American Suppressor Association reports that suppressor ownership is legal in 42 states. Many of these states allow use of suppressors in hunting, for the noise-reducing benefits that hunters and the environment gain through suppression use.
  7. Smacks of Bump Stock Ban — The fact that suppressors are not silencers; that they have been used in only one mass shooting; that police in that shooting could still hear the gunshots and run toward them; that witnesses could hear the shots and run from them; and that suppressors are legal in 42 states (which only magnifies their infrequent use in crime) is reminiscent of the way bump stocks were banned after they were used only once in a crime. Ironically, the one criminal use of bump stocks, and the criminal use of suppressors, were related in that the accessories were legally purchased both instances, then used against citizens in a situation where the citizens could not shoot back.

This doesn’t even begin to touch the risk he faces, and there may be no way to mitigate the risk even now.

First of all, let me say that if suppressors completely silenced a gun shot, there still wouldn’t be a basis for banning them.  “Shall not be infringed” means what it says, and you and I know it.  I just hate it when people stipulate the high ground to the opposition, inasmuch as admitting that in certain circumstances it just may be a good idea to regulate something-or-other.

Trump has already alienated gun owners with: “Take them first, follow due process later”, his choice of AG, his choice of ATF head, his bump stock ban, and now his statement of hatred for suppressors.  With his bump stock ban he turned more than half a million peaceable men into felons overnight with the stroke of a pen.

He thinks, or he has been told by his idiot advisors, that stunts to appease the Fudds will fix his problems with being a gun control advocate.  His idiot advisors are wrong in the superlative degree, and he will find that out in little more than a year.

But I said that “it wouldn’t surprise me to see a bill pass the House and Senate headed for Trump’s desk to outlaw them completely, something that is no more than a muffler intended to save the hearing of target shooters and sportsmen.”

True to form, when the controllers see an opening and a weakness, they’re waiting to pounce.

Gun silencers like the one used in a recent lethal shooting in Virginia Beach would be banned under legislation that U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey introduced Friday.

The Democrat unveiled the legislation at news conference in Trenton alongside Democratic Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora and representatives from the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Well, Mr. 3D-chess is in a pickle now, yes?  He’s gone on record saying that he hates suppressors, and that they are looking at what can be done.  The democrats have the House, and effectively the controllers hold the Senate.  They’ll send him a bill, and you can count on it.  What will he do then?

If he signs it, he will finish the alienation of the balance of the gun control crowd.  There are many more suppressor owners than bump stock owners.  If he doesn’t sign it, he’ll be pointed out as an inauthentic liar.

Does he even care at this point which it is?


  1. On June 24, 2019 at 12:03 am, Dan said:

    As populist as Trump wishes to appear he is NOT a ‘regular guy’ and spends very little time in the company of normal citizens. He mouths
    platitudes about the Second Amendment and is indeed far less hostile
    to it than virtually all other major political animals but he is NOT actually
    friendly to it. I truly don’t believe he understands just how important
    the issue is and if he does lose in 2020 it will to a virtual guarantee be
    because many gun owners STAY HOME that election day thanks to his
    actions/comments on bumpstocks, suppressors etc.

  2. On June 24, 2019 at 1:19 am, DAN III said:


    Well, my guess should POTUS Trump sign any further diktats infringing on gun owners, all the tough talkers will have their chance to ACT on “Come & Take It”.

    I won’t regurgitate the numerous “vows” Mr. Trump has failed to execute. Ultimately, Mr. Trump has shown to be evil. No less a liar to his base than any other political scoundrel. Evil is STILL evil. Trump has served to provide some respite from the domestic communists. However, his Deep State appointments only serve to put Traditional Americans on notice. He will screw his 63,000,000 supporters as fast as one can say “Lock Her Up” !

    Many Americans may soon have the opportunity to exercise their testicular fortitude. I for one do not see 1,500,000 suppressor owners complying with a Feinstein-type diktat of “….turn them all in.”

    Verify your zero.

    Make peace with your God.

    Do not comply.

    Molon Labe….and mean it.

  3. On June 24, 2019 at 8:49 am, Thomas Madere said:

    And any or all of the democratic candidates would be better than another 4 years of Trump, go for it if that is what you feel.

  4. On June 24, 2019 at 9:35 am, DAN III said:

    Madere @ 0849,

    Tommy, did I urinate in your breakfast cereal when I reflected on Mr. Trumps failure, actually refusal, to execute the actions he said he would during his campaign ?

    I contributed a large amount of money to his campaign; did voluntary activities in support of his campaign. And this is how he pays back myself and 62,999,999 supporters ? He kowtows to the communist, Nancy Pelosi and refuses to defend our borders against enemies foreign AND domestic.

    Tommy, I do not rely on my feelings. I weigh ACTIONS or INACTIONS by the individual or group who made promises, declarations and vows, to do a given activity. Then cries “wolf !” to support his dishonesty.

    As you appear to be new to these parts I will provide you an axiom I have displayed in the past:

    “Democrat/Republican = Left Wing/Right Wing, same bird.”

    So Tommy, just continue to keep on voting. I am certain your choice of the lesser of two evils will satisfy you. You certainly fall into that category I place 90% of American citizens.

    Did I dash any of your “feelings” ?

  5. On June 24, 2019 at 9:53 am, ragman said:

    Same bird indeed! I said from day one that Trump doesn’t really care about the Second. However, he has managed to surround himself with some incredibly BAD advisors. The only one worth a shit was Bannon and he didn’t last very long. Just once before I take the final flight West I’d like to see a politician say “All gun laws are illegal and unconstitutional”. You want a machine gun, build it! you want to put a silencer/suppressor on yer rifle or pistol, do it! One thing Trump has done is to pull back the curtain and expose the communist plan for registration and confiscation. They don’t try to hide it anymore and we must believe them when they speak of their plans for us.

  6. On June 24, 2019 at 10:31 am, Fred said:

    @Dan III, very well said, Sir.

    @All, I would add that I voted for Trump, not because of feelings, but because Clinton, as head of the State Department, approved the sale of a National Strategic Asset (Uranium) to a foreign power (Russia) while lining her own pockets in kick backs from the purchaser to the Clinton Foundation, an organization that spends less than 5% percent of receipts on charity, its founders pocketing the rest.

    Trump, it turns out is Zionist, a Globalist, and anti Bill of Rights, not as feelings or something one has to intuit, but demonstrably by appointments and actions. This is the same as any other Democrat or Republican that was running. Blame all the handlers and other underlings that you want, doesn’t matter, Trump, as I’ve heard him say about the heads of other organizations, has the final say and is responsible for all outcomes. No feelings to it.

    So yes, I think the right continues to fail by clearly demonstrating that it is no different from the left, even worse in some regards, eg; The Police State.

  7. On June 24, 2019 at 12:03 pm, Geoff said:

    There is one major problems should tehy make suppressors illegal. The ATF know who has them. They do NOT know who has a bump stock.

  8. On June 24, 2019 at 5:04 pm, Henry said:

    “of all the mass shootings and/or high profile shootings constantly beamed into homes via the establishment media, a suppressor was used in one of them.”

    And a damned curiously timed one to boot — who here doesn’t think so?

  9. On June 24, 2019 at 5:51 pm, Gryphon said:

    All 7 of those ‘reasons’ relay on (some semblance of) Logical Argument. The commie/prog/leftist beta-male cucks do not Understand Logic. They are driven by “Feelz” and a Logical Argument goes ‘Over their Heads’ like a Red Air Force Hypersonic Cruise Missile. Trump is a New York Democrat in a Republican’s Suit, and He will Do whatever his (((controllers))) tell him to.

    Fortunately, it won’t be possible to Ban Oil Filters….

    Geoff makes an interesting Point – because ‘bump stocks’ were sold without Registration, just like the Hundred Million (or so) Guns sold without a Federal ‘transfer form’ (de Facto Registration) Suppressors, and Full-Auto Weapons are an “Easy Target” (/sarc) for Confiscation. What the Response to a Ban on stuff that the .gov at least has a “Last Known Address” to will be an Indication of how many people are going to Resist, and they know it.

  10. On June 25, 2019 at 11:46 am, George said:

    I supported Trump as well as did most of my friends. Out of three friends I have who are heavy 2A supporters and voted for Trump, two of the three of them tell me they will never vote again. So Trump has lost a significant amount of support on this issue whether he knows it or not.

    I comment on a political blog sometimes and get nothing but crap when I point this out. I tell them you only have to look at the big gun websites to know this is true. It is not a matter of conjecture. On one big site the last polling on the issue looks like Trump has lost at least 30% of gun people for his stances. That poll was taken prior to the suppressor nonsense.

    So if Trump signs a suppressor ban bill. It looks to me like he loses in 2020. It is as simple as that.

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