Mass Unlawful Detention By Indiana Police
BY Herschel Smith
Via reader Ned, FreeThoughtProject:
The Free Thought Project has reported on multiple instances in which entire groups of people were detained and forced to show ID or submit to a search. However, during these questionable situations, police were able to reasonably articulate suspicion that a crime had been committed or was about to be committed. Over the weekend, at a popular Michigan City bar, there was no crime and no one had been suspected of committing a crime.
Despite these facts, more than a dozen officers raided this peaceful establishment in which patrons were enjoying their Saturday night. Police officers with the Michigan City Police Department blocked all the exits and the rights violating process began.
After police trapped them inside, every person in the bar was forced to line up and submit their identification to one of the many police officers who had setup laptops. Only after they submitted to the background checks were the patrons allowed to leave.
In the state of Indiana, a person only has to show their identification to law enforcement only if they have been stopped for an infraction or ordinance violation. Obviously, every single person inside this bar was not suspected of a crime, which made this process unconstitutional.
However, as the video shows, police didn’t accuse anyone of committing an infraction and detained them anyway.
What’s more, according to our sources at the bar that night, not a single arrest was even made.
As the video shows, the police officers running everyone’s IDs, couldn’t have cared about due process. Indeed, when Manna Carter, the woman who took the video, asks one of the officers why they are doing this, his response was, “because we can.”
As Carter questions them, the police attempted to justify this raid by claiming to be a part of some excise enforcement operation for the Alcohol & Tobacco Commission. However, the state of Indiana has an its own department for this known as the Indiana State Excise Police (ISEP).
More over, this was not some attempt to catch underage drinkers or a bar selling unlicensed booze. This was a sweeping raid and subsequent mass detainment of dozens of innocent people who were all forced to submit their information to police — probable cause be damned.
Even more damning is the fact that in an interview with TFTP, Carter said that no police officers from the ISEP were there that night and all the officers involved were from MCPD.
TFTP also reached out to the ISEP and the MCPD to inquire about which statute gave them the authority to carry out such rights-stomping exercise, however our calls and emails have yet to be returned.
The Supreme Court rule on “Terry Stops” means nothing according to the police. They are a law unto themselves.
Oh, and make note of the reply. “Because we can.” Not a single one of these officers cared about their oath to uphold the constitution. They may not be judged on this in time, but they certainly will in eternity.
On July 3, 2019 at 5:27 am, Matt said:
The people in that bar should have turned on those badge monkeys. They would have quickly gone from offey-sir to offey-splat. Be the last time they swagger. Unfortunately, that’s what this country is coming to. They’re not protectors of the people, they’re hired mercenary thug policy enforcers.
On July 3, 2019 at 8:11 am, Frank Clarke said:
You’ll never replace Walter Cronkite if news flashes like that are all you’ve got… ;-)
On July 3, 2019 at 8:56 am, Fred said:
Indiana has something called, Indiana State Excise Police (ISEP), and every last retard in the state will be celebrating their liberty tomorrow, liberty from what they do not know.
On July 3, 2019 at 9:11 am, Longbow said:
“However, as the video shows, police didn’t accuse anyone of committing an infraction and detained them anyway.”
“because we can.”
This is the very definition of bullying and thuggery. Is it not?
Right this minute, there are cops reading this blog, thinking to themselves, “That wouldn’t happen in my department…” Yeah, you’re squared away good guys, not like those doofuses in Indiana.
Rhetorical question: Why didn’t the Vast Majority step in and prevent this from happening? Why didn’t they intervene and stop this thuggery once it began?
Answer: Because the exercise of power is its own reward, and being a member of The Gang is vastly more important than… well, anything.
Remember, boys and girls, they are proud of themselves.
Do you still believe in Dudley Do-Right?
On July 3, 2019 at 9:52 am, Stones said:
95% of cops give the others a bad name.
On July 3, 2019 at 11:17 am, Fred said:
Longbow, wasn’t Dudley Do-Right Canadian? Heh. That could answer your question.
On July 3, 2019 at 1:13 pm, Gryphon said:
Fastest Way to end something like this in a Bar/Restaurant is to go to the Kitchen and Pull the Fire Extinguisher System – Causes Chaos and Automatically has the Fire Department show Up. No Way the pigs are going to keep control of anyone after that. Worked for Me in a Bar Fight (that I wasn’t a participant in) because I didn’t want to have to Defend Myself for being there.
A more Dangerous Way would be to “Call 911” and report a Hostage Situation with Armed Individuals and Shots Fired. Then the pigs inevitably end up Fighting themselves, as the lack of Discipline and Shoot First mentality takes over. Problem is, You and the rest of the Citizens become ‘collateral Damage’.
“Indiana State Excise Police” explains it All… “police” are simply Revenue Enforcers” another Example of how ‘police’ in general are a Non-Constitutional activity of ‘government as a Corporation’.
On July 3, 2019 at 3:15 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Terry was wrongly decided and should be overturned. A government employee should not have the privilege to touch or search any citizen who is not under arrest without a warrant. Remember, government employees do not have rights, they have delegated privileges.
If you want to see how far we have fallen, read Acts 22:24-30, where the Roman Tribune was in fear for his life after he had dared to put a Roman Citizen in chains. Now we are cuffed at will “for your safety”.
On July 3, 2019 at 3:47 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I agree. But if “Terry” is all we ever had, it should have been enough to stop this outrage.
On July 3, 2019 at 5:27 pm, George 1 said:
What should have happened is that everyone at that Bar should have informed the cops they were leaving. If they were detained at that point then the cops would have to put up or shut up as long as the patrons had handled the encounter correctly.
The way this went down the cops will claim that it was a consensual encounter and probably get away with it.
On July 5, 2019 at 10:27 am, 41mag said:
once again, something I wont read elswyre.
what are law-abiding Citizens supposed to do when unlawfully detained by police?
abdicate their liberties?
folks who take their lives and liberties seriously have a serious problem with unlawful acts.
On July 6, 2019 at 4:36 am, Dan said:
“Because we can”. And they KNOW they can do so with total impunity because ANY damages that arise will be paid for by the long suffering taxpayers. The ONLY way these abuses stop is by violent retribution
visited on both the cops AND the politicians who empower them. As long
as the people committing these abuses suffer no consequences they will never stop.