NRA Controllers “Punishing” Dissidents
BY Herschel Smith
From Wayne:
You and I are now fighting the toughest and most consequential election battles of our lives – and I need you shoulder-to-shoulder with me like never before.
The news media is now attacking NRA 24/7, with a nonstop barrage of fake news and lies. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is pledging to spend AT LEAST $500 million electing a gun-ban extremist to the White House next year.
And we’re facing the most radical anti-gun candidates in the history of American politics – gun-hating zealots who want to LICENSE and FINGERPRINT gun owners, OUTLAW magazines holding more than 10 rounds, and BAN and CONFISCATE every semi-automatic rifle in America.
To prepare for these massive battles AND say thank you for your past support – I want to offer you some very generous membership discounts and extraordinary NRA gifts when you renew or upgrade your NRA membership by August 2nd.
Gee, that’s all too bad, Wayne. But the gravy train had to run out of other people’s money at some point, just like socialism.
I’ll tell you what. Let’s suppose you have honestly had a conversion. I’ll give you this chance. I’ll join again the day you get rid of the GCA and NFA. How’s that? You have a target to shoot for now. Write me another note when that happens.
Next up, it looks like Wayne and the witch of the NRA, Marrion Hammer, are trying to punish dissidents.
Over the weekend, former NRA President Marion Hammer sent a private email to board members telling them to fall in line or face the consequences.
Hammer’s letter, previously only reported within the firearms blogosphere, is an apparent response to a number of board members who have posted publicly that they have faced retaliation for questioning alleged financial malfeasance in the organization. Hammer wrote that stripping the assignments was a punishment for ongoing “agitation” that has taken place outside of the “appropriate setting.”
“The NRA finds itself under attack,” Hammer wrote. “Some within our ranks—members of the NRA Board of Directors—have joined in these attacks. There have been leaks of proprietary and confidential information to the front pages of newspapers, websites and social media pages. Members of the board have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of our Association. Yet, some have chosen not to do so.”
“Those who didn’t get an assignment might want to consider whether or not they want to help us save the Second Amendment or continue on a course detrimental to NRA and our mission,” she concluded. “The decision is ultimately theirs.”
Just how NOT working on a committee is punishment, I cannot fathom. I’d rather take a beating than work on a committee of pretty much any kind. Working on a committee is like trying to herd cats.
But it appears that the witch believes she can bully good men. There are a few good men left on the board, I take it. The two salient questions are these: [1] How long will those good men sully their reputation by being associated with the failed NRA, with the added bonus of now being known as someone who could easily be bullied by the likes of Marrion Hammer (can you say “Coward?”), and [2] How long will the Fudds continue to fund Wayne’s and Marrion’s fat paychecks and retirements?
On July 21, 2019 at 10:12 pm, George said:
Sounds like Ms. Hammer is worried about keeping her place at the pig trough.
On July 22, 2019 at 7:20 am, June J said:
Ms. Hammer has pulled down some serious cash from the NRA, which seems like a conflict of interest for a member of an organization’s board of directors.
I’m looking forward to the day indictments are announced for Wayne and his merry gang.
On July 22, 2019 at 7:53 am, Fred said:
In his very heartfelt and touching letter written personally to you, Herschel, your good friend Wayne forgot to mention that at least one candidate also banned bump stocks, doesn’t like suppressors, and like the Nazis did, this candidate promotes the idea that anybody the State deems to be “crazy” should have his arms taken outside of the 6th, 5th, 4th, 2nd, and 1st, and sometimes 10th amendments. Yep, the field is full anti gun candidates alright, and assuredly, the most radical ever.
Oh, and did Wayne shred the documents yet?
On July 22, 2019 at 8:41 am, John Taylor said:
Hammer: “Members of the board have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of our Association. Yet, some have chosen not to do so.”
Her idea of not doing so being to point out things that _must_ happen to restore the NRA to any semblance of being the organization they claim to be. She may have done good in the past – I have no knowledge other than hearsay – but _she_ is the one currently not acting “in the best interests of our Association”, as far as I am concerned.
The group “Save the Second” [ ] may be on the right track, though I have some concerns about viable approaches which I have expressed to them with mixed results.
I am interested in others’ ideas for how best to approach the situation.
On July 22, 2019 at 9:18 am, Drake said:
I’ve been on committees and boards. It isn’t fun but I was there because I cared about the organization and the mission. I could compromise on the small stuff, but never the big stuff.
On July 22, 2019 at 9:56 am, dad29 said:
Members of the board have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of our Association
Why yes!! Such as demanding outside audits of all flows-of-funds for the last 5 or 10 years, Marion? Gee. “FIDUCIARY” means exactly that, honey.
On July 22, 2019 at 10:43 am, Drake said:
dad29 – How can she not see that the NRA is a dead if those kinds of things don’t happen soon? Fire Wayne and order an audit or you’ll never get a dime from me again. There are alternative organizations that I will support.
On July 22, 2019 at 6:02 pm, James said:
I wonder if it would be worth trying to create a union/confederation of gun rights groups from all the states to try and get a national movement/group going.
On July 24, 2019 at 6:57 pm, Jaque said:
I am conflicted and pissed off endowment member. The NRA leadership is digging the grave of the NRA. That is clear to me. They believe they can circle the wagons and wait out the revolt. They believe that once we weigh the the weakened effect of a crippled and dying NRA on the 2020 elections we will cave in and start writing checks. I believe the NRA leadership thinks that when faced with the certain loss of the limited constitutional protections for firearms NRA members will choose to save the NRA. But the reaction by the NRA so far is to burn the ship. One thing is certain. The clock is ticking.