“Tony Timpa Stopped Breathing”
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 5 months ago
Newly released body camera video from an emergency call in Dallas, Tx. Via The Daily Beast.
The moral of the story is simple. Don’t put toxicants into your body, and never call the police. You are worse off and in more danger when the police are around.
Never call the police.
On July 31, 2019 at 10:58 pm, BRVTVS said:
At least this time they didn’t print up some t-shirts to mock his last words.
On August 1, 2019 at 1:29 pm, June J said:
The Dallas Morning News story. Surprising no one, prosecutors allow the cops who killed Tony Timpas a free pass.
“Those three officers — Kevin Mansell, Danny Vasquez and Dustin Dillard — were indicted by a grand jury in 2017 on charges of misdemeanor deadly conduct, three months after The News published its investigation into Timpa’s death. Following two days of testimony, the grand jury’s indictment stated that the “officers engaged in reckless conduct that placed Timpa in imminent danger of serious bodily injury.”
But in March, Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot dismissed the charges.”
On August 2, 2019 at 8:59 am, revjen45 said:
The pigs are always right. Just ask Mas Ayoob.
On August 2, 2019 at 1:45 pm, Michael (from Utah) said:
What heroes! They should have received medals for their actions. (/sarc).
Disgusting behavior by these clowns.
On August 3, 2019 at 8:54 am, R Daneel said:
Suffocation by cop. Nice job DPD!