Wayne LaPierre’s Dumpster Fire
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 5 months ago
… we don’t know where any of this will lead. Perhaps LaPierre will be able to stay on the tiger’s back, although with the virtually unlimited resources at the disposal of New York State, which is out to get him, and now, Washington D.C., out to do the same, I’m not sure I’d cover that bet.
What he’s doing now is surrounding himself with a protective guard and purging any he suspects might be threats. And clutching for survival lest the twisting tiger unseats and turns on him…
Meanwhile, members keep getting those interminable fundraising solicitations, as signs are a critical mass will be holding out until Wayne is gone. As the dumpster fire continues to burn it’s fair to wonder at what point politicians, particularly in districts where the vote is close, will start to view NRA endorsements as guilt-by-association liabilities.
I think politicians already see NRA endorsement as a liability rather than an asset. And the gun community did this to itself. These are all self-inflicted wounds.
I suspect Wayne will be able to “ride the tiger” just so long. Sooner or later, the lack of membership dues will dry up the organization coffers, and then the tiger will starve. What remains to be seen is whether what shell remains of the NRA board ousts LaPierre in order to save the NRA?
On August 7, 2019 at 7:04 am, H said:
The bylaw changes to prevent another Cincinnati Revolt allow him to stay as long he can keep the votes of 1/4 pf the board members, which is currently 19. Given what we’ve heard about how a number of them are grifting from their positions, I wouldn’t be surprised if the pocketbooks of at least 19 depend on their relationship with him.
On August 7, 2019 at 8:36 am, H said:
John Richardson’s Only Guns and Money Blogspot blog is gone. Unless we hear about other pro-gun blogs being purged by the Goolag, I think we can assume the NRA has credibly threatened legal action against him. They’ve already done this against another reporter of their dirty laundry, spending probably $20,000 flying out to depose him in his very rural corner of Colorado.
On August 7, 2019 at 10:48 am, H said:
The removal of Richardson’s blog is enemy action rather than “voluntary”, likely originated by the NRA or some supporter of it:
On August 7, 2019 at 5:56 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Oh, it gets better:
NRA discussed buying luxury mansion for Wayne LaPierre – 08/07/2019
On August 8, 2019 at 5:47 pm, Sanders said:
I see Wayne riding the NRA into the ground. He has always been a weasel. He wouldn’t bow out to save the organization. He believes he IS the organization.
On August 8, 2019 at 9:34 pm, George said:
Interesting that WLP is supposed to have warned Trump today that his base will not support more gun control laws. Like Harry Truman said: “First you have to get the mule’s attention”.