A Quick Note On The Cult Of Personality
BY Herschel Smith
So Orange Man’s daughter has called for federal red flag gun confiscation laws.
“Congress should enact Red Flag laws/ Extreme Risk Protection Orders in EVERY state and increase resources dedicated to mental health support.”
Prior to the election I visited reddit/The_Donald enough times to learn that not only was it a cult of personality, part of that personality had to do with Ivanka.
Quite literally, the readers were pushing for her candidacy for president immediately after Orange Man. She’s pretty, said they.
So now how do the cult members feel about it now that pretty girl wants to take their guns based on the word of a single angry person and a midnight signature by a corrupt judge?
On August 7, 2019 at 11:29 pm, BRVTVS said:
I was a Trump supporter in the sense that I was hopeful that Trump would do right, and in the sense that I believed his primary opponents more likely to betray us than him. I liked his America First rhetoric. I always felt it likely Trump would not deliver on it. The last good president, in my opinion, was Calvin Coolidge. The last great president was Grover Cleveland. The best was Tyler. Trump’s character is too far removed from men such as them to really make a dent in our decline.
On August 8, 2019 at 5:40 pm, Sanders said:
Ivanka is a NYC liberal with way too much influence on our President.
On August 8, 2019 at 7:35 pm, George said:
She is the worst. It is bad enough to have republican politicians at every level betray us. We sure don’t need Gun Ban Barbie to rub our nose in it.