The Dark Side Of The Universal Background Check Bill HR8
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 5 months ago
Utah Shooting Sports Council writing at Ammoland.
H.R. 8 is sold as a “background check bill” to keep guns away from bad people, but we know from 50 years experience that less than 1% of the bad people who fail the background checks are prosecuted.
What is needed are not more background check laws, but enforcement of existing laws. If bad guys are illegally trying to purchase a firearm, they need to be punished. The lawmakers pushing H.R. 8 do not want to do that. They are not serious about stopping bad people from getting guns, they only care about gutting the Second Amendment.
I stopped reading right there. Because. Existing laws. Infringement.
On August 12, 2019 at 7:34 am, Heywood said:
When, oh when are publications going to stop all the “won’t prevent this” and ” not enforced” crap and educate the fudds on the real reason for these checks. Quit playing their “common sense” games. It is a gun registry. Period. Full stop.