AR-15, .50 Caliber Word Salad
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 4 months ago
Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee (D-Texas).
“I don’t know what else it takes but I don’t believe we can stop at the door of the United States House. I believe there will have to be an emergence of members of the House flooding the United States Senate for Senator McConnell to understand that these initiatives today, my gun storage bill, my bill that I’ve introduced dealing with the caliber weapon, I’ve held an AR-15 in my hand, I wish I had it. It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving and the bullet that is utilized, a .50-caliber, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street.”
So let me see. A “caliber weapon” short-action cartridge AR-15 that shoots long action .50 BMG. I want one. If we can just get the 10-box weight down a little we may have something.
This all reminds me of authentic frontier gibberish.
On September 18, 2019 at 9:10 am, Copperhead said:
Alexander Arms® is the originator of the large-caliber, AR-15 style weapon concept. As the leader in the field, we manufacture the best and most reliable weapons. We have an intimate understanding of the function of both the rifle and the ammunition and have in-depth data on both internal, external, and terminal ballistics. In a world of followers, we lead.
The .50 Beowulf® was designed to generate devastating stopping power at short to moderate ranges. Combining the rugged reliability of the AR-15/M16 style weapons with a unique .500 inch projectile and cartridge, this semi-automatic weapon is ideal as a brush hunting weapon and is capable of knocking down virtually anything you may run across. For wild pig hunting, the rifle is without equal and is being used not only by hunters, but by game control agencies as well. Deer in close cover are easily taken with solid hits guaranteeing one shot kills and little or no tracking. The same reliable combination of heavy, large-diameter bullets and moderate velocities enable the .50 Beowulf® to tackle the largest game animals found in North America and it has been used against elk, buffalo, and bear with superb results.
Providing a semi-automatic, light-carbine with the performance of the venerable 45-70 rifle, the .50 Beowulf® has found wide acceptance with military and law enforcement agencies. The external ballistics of the .50 Beowulf® cartridge are well-suited to urban environments where the shorter range template allows for more flexible application and the large projectile energy delivered by the ammunition can disable both motor vehicles and assailants with body armor. Windscreen glass does not affect the trajectory of the bullet, nor do automotive body panels. With frangible projectiles, the .50 Beowulf® can be used on most training facilities without damage and, with the addition of a muzzle brake to provide a stand-off, can be used for building entry.
The combination of devastating stopping power and absolute reliability in a lightweight, familiar form factor, the .50 Beowulf® rifle from Alexander Arms® is simply without equal.
On September 18, 2019 at 9:22 am, Herschel Smith said:
Nice ad. We all know that, along with the Big Horn Armory .500 S&W, the 450 Bushmaster (which is close), the .458 SOCOM (which is close), etc.
How many folks actually have one of these rifles versus the 5.56? Which .50 do you think she wants to outlaw?
On September 18, 2019 at 10:06 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
An AR platform in the .50 BMG? wouldn’t that be an AR-50? ;-)
“Which .50 do you think she wants to outlaw?”
All of them?