The Hobson’s Choice On Gun Buybacks
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 4 months ago
Nathan Rubin:
Little boy Nathan wants to make the rules now, does he?
You see what he’s done there, yes? He’s offered you a Hobson’s choice. Take this option or nothing at all. Certainly, no one wants to be an irresponsible criminal, do they?
Left unsaid is whether Nathan has followed his part of the covenant to live together in peace with each other – it’s called the constitution. I wish for something better, but for now it’s what we have.
So let’s replace some of the words thusly. “You can’t call yourself a law-abiding citizen if you respond with disobedience to the new law that requires you locate one child from each neighborhood every other Thursday and sacrifice him or her to Baal.”
You see Nathan, we get our rights from God, the Almighty maker of the universe and all of His creatures, not the state. The covenant merely recognizes your agreement to live in peace with that.
If you break that covenant, you invite massive, irrevocable, irreversible trouble.
On September 18, 2019 at 2:29 am, Greg Wilson said:
As one of Dickens characters said: “If the law supposes that . . . the law is an ass.”
On September 18, 2019 at 3:00 am, Michael said:
Yet another demonstration of the tyranny of democracy. Everyone needs to comply with any majority vote, no matter how wrong, immoral, or foolish. I like your example, Herschel.
On September 18, 2019 at 3:03 am, Michael said:
To continue, I guess we could all vote for rainbows every day, or free money from “the government”.
On September 18, 2019 at 8:17 am, Fred said:
Hitlarian! In fact, it’s exactly what Hitler did.
On September 18, 2019 at 12:53 pm, MTHead said:
And Nathan, having violated the 2A’s ” No infringement clause”. Has just reduced himself to the level of “treasonous felon”. With all the benefits of such status to follow.
We are compelled to remember that the constitution is “governments guide book”. It does not tell us how to live. It tells government what it is, and isn’t allowed to do. And NO ONE in official capacity is allowed “infringement”.
I would point out that officially discussing anything other than a constitutional amendment to change the 2A, puts one in violation of conspiracy laws, but of ones oath also.
On September 18, 2019 at 7:47 pm, Chris Mallory said:
He is a fake American with no ties to the men who founded this nation. Men who smuggled drugs and guns, rioted, evaded taxes, committed treason and shot cops. I have a direct ancestor who crossed the Delaware on Christmas to kill Germans in their sleep.
Anyway, I have always said, that I am honest. I do not cause harm to any innocent by force or fraud. I do not steal. But I am not “law abiding”. Being “law abiding’ means you are a sheep who blindly follows the edicts of a group of men of such suspect character and low morals that they became legislators.
On September 19, 2019 at 7:29 am, SGT.BAG said:
When the government makes you a criminal, endeavour to be the best criminal possible.
On September 20, 2019 at 4:50 pm, infantryjj said:
I have NO DUTY to follow unconstitutional laws.
On September 22, 2019 at 1:30 pm, David said:
And if, Mr. Rubin, the Congress passed, and the President signed a law requiring the re-enslavement of all Blacks, would we be irresponsible criminals if we ignored your ‘law’?
Somebody should, metaphorically, rub this puppy’s nose in the mess he just left on the floor.