Pleading For Your Life During A Bear Attack
BY Herschel Smith
A Canadian man fighting for his life begged his assailant to let him go, but his pleas went unheeded — which is probably because black bears don’t understand English.
Brandon Lattie, 27, was on a walking trail in British Columbia at the Ferguson Lake Nature Reserve on Wednesday night when he says he spotted the bear, which began to chase him.
Lattie told CBC News he ran and jumped into a small lake, not expecting the bear to follow him.
“It happened so fast I couldn’t even think, so that seemed like the right thing to do,” he said.
Brandon Lattie says he was attacked by a black bear at Ferguson Lake Nature Reserve in British Columbia, Canada.
Brandon Lattie says he was attacked by a black bear at Ferguson Lake Nature Reserve in British Columbia, Canada. (Brandon Lattie)
But the swampy water slowed him and the bear swiped at Lattie, leaving him with scratch marks on his back and arm. The 27-year-old said the dogged bear even tried to hold him underwater.
“I think it was trying to hold me underwater. I was already physically tired and kind of out of breath from when I ran away and then the next thing I know I’m…going to try to get drowned by a frickin’ bear,” he told the news outlet.
Lattie said he noticed “there was at least a foot or two of water above me” and pushed himself “back up to fight back.”
It was then, Lattie said, he resorted to begging.
“You don’t have to do this,” he said he told the bear. “You don’t want to do it.”
A family said they were nearby and saw Lattie running away from the bear in the lake. Lucky for Lattie, the family’s dog began to bark, distracting the bear and giving the 27-year-old a chance to break free and swim to a dock.
“It could have been a whole lot worse,” Lattie said. “As soon as I got hit, I just thought, ‘OK, this is where I die. This is where my head gets chewed apart.'”
I don’t think bears have feelings of sympathy or a conscience. I think a large bore handgun would have been a better choice.
On September 22, 2019 at 11:24 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Large bore handguns maintain apex predator status for the bushmen.
I hate bears.
On September 23, 2019 at 1:33 am, Sambo said:
I would let my Ruger .44 Mag talk to the bear first. I don’t think he would have much to say after that. I do love a nice bear roast.
On September 23, 2019 at 9:23 am, Heywood said:
Kinda like reasoning with libtards…..
On September 23, 2019 at 10:46 am, revjen45 said:
1) +1 on talking to dangerous fuzzies with a big-bore handgun.
2) “I do love a nice bear roast.”
The only time I ever tried to eat bear it was too nasty-greasy to chew, and thus not fit to swallow. It should have been as good as bear meat gets vis-à-vis age of the animal, cut of meat, quick dress-out, etc. Is there some magic culinary process that converts dead bear into something a human can eat?
On September 23, 2019 at 3:08 pm, Dov Sar said:
Bears that feast on garbage taste accordingly, but bears that eat a natural diet are pretty good. You don’t want to get lots of adrenaline in their system as they die or the meat will not be good. So a good diet (don’t hunt near the dump) and a good kill are the priorities. And a good cook; I won’t lend you mine!
We like the taste of bear; it appears that bear likes the taste of us as well.
On September 23, 2019 at 3:41 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Only spring black bear.
All others not palatable IMO.
On September 23, 2019 at 3:51 pm, Fred said:
“…when he says he spotted the bear…”
I would love to know his exact involuntary and voluntary reactions upon seeing the bear. The aspect of self defense that is the most fascinating to me is the aspect of target selection by predator(s) be they 2 or 4 legged. Now the bear didn’t select Mr. Lattie but still, why did it move toward him instead of away? I always want to know that, it can save somebody’s life. I would also like to know if he was familiar with that particular place where it happened.
If you’re going to instantly acknowledge in every aspect of your being that you aren’t supposed to be there, that you are violating and therefor ceding territory and the right of apex upon that section of turf, be it Baltimore or the bush, then you will be fortunate to escape with your life.
Also, taking a trail from a black bear is not for the faint of heart, you need to mean it and not just maybe, not with aggression, I mean that you need to already be the owner of that trail in every aspect of your being, and you need to make sure that the bear knows you are coming long before it sees you. They can smell (sense) doubt. Fear? Forget it!
On September 23, 2019 at 10:08 pm, SGT.BAG said:
Another half-wit that watched too many Yogi Bear cartoons……
On September 24, 2019 at 6:59 pm, Casca said:
People like the idea of friendly bears, cougars, and other wildlife that are just misunderstood and won’t harm you if mind your manners, or all animals want is a hug.
Wild animals are unpredictable, but people like this person refuse to acknowledge it.
They lack or don’t use reason.
And in Canada it is harder for people to carry firearms, and the Socialists have taught them they don’t need a weapon and cannot have or carry one.
However they can to defend themselves from wildlife…but in nature preserves, perhaps not. Too many Bear Whisper shows and failure to have a realistic outlook, and no firearms, have cause a lot of deaths from bears.
On September 24, 2019 at 8:51 pm, maddog said:
moron was probably eating a big mac while walking. maybe a pocket full of snickers also…..