But They Got To Go Home At The End Of The Day
BY Herschel Smith
Authorities are investigating how an off-duty Alhambra police officer ended up with a self-inflicted gunshot wound after an encounter on the road with an off-duty Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy.
The San Marino Police Department initially said the driver of a blue Subaru had shot himself after a road rage incident about 8:40 a.m. Sunday near Duarte Road and San Gabriel Boulevard. But on Monday morning, the Police Department said that wasn’t the case.
“At this point in the preliminary investigation, this does not appear to be a road rage incident and neither party knew each other or was aware they were members of a law enforcement agency,” police said in an updated news release.
According to San Marino police, a second driver, identified as an off-duty sheriff’s deputy, told investigators he thought the man in the Subaru was driving erratically.
He wanted to stop the man and ask him not to speed in the neighborhood, he said.
Police said the deputy, who was in a Mercedes-Benz, pulled alongside the other man while they were driving and tried to speak to the Subaru driver, motioning for the man to lower his window.
The Alhambra officer slowed and moved to the right to allow the Mercedes to pass.
The officer later told investigators that the deputy was speeding and that he believed the man in the Mercedes was driving in an aggressive manner.
“Fearing for his safety, the Alhambra officer drew his firearm while inside his vehicle,” San Marino police said.
San Marino Police Chief John Incontro said the officer accidentally shot himself in the process of pulling out his weapon.
Alhambra police said the officer was hospitalized.
“He’s OK,” Alhambra Police Sgt. Rodney Castillo said Monday morning.
Whew! I was worried. It’s awesome he’s okay. I remember the last time I yanked my gun out during road rage because I was “fearing for my safety.” An internal affairs investigation completely exonerated me.
Heroes of the community, both of them.
On September 25, 2019 at 5:55 am, ragman said:
What a CF police departments are. And to think that these low IQ juiced up idiots have the power to take our liberty and even our lives if they want to. Stories like this harden my resolve to never, ever surrender my firearms. Shot himself while drawing his weapon. Use the red flag law to take away his guns because he is obviously a danger to himself and to others. Let the cops get a taste of the illegal/unconstitutional laws they support.
On September 25, 2019 at 8:53 am, George said:
Too funny. It’s not just cops either. Our whole society is getting dumber and dumber. Some estimates have the national IQ dropping about 3 points a generation at this point. Some days I think that is an optimistic assessment.
On September 25, 2019 at 3:54 pm, Jack Crabb said:
If Magic Blue Costume A lies and Magic Blue Costume B lies…
Oh, forget it. In a just world pigs would off themselves because, like Dr. Robert Higgs says, “There are no good cops.”
On September 25, 2019 at 4:48 pm, Heywood said:
Wow. It had to take a NY Slimes writer to spin that story. What a crock! Too bad both of them weren’t shot.