He Should Be Executed
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, this disturbing report.
Prosecutors said Weed was attending the fair Friday with his family when he was “harassed and followed by a group of teens.” The prosecutor said the teens were angry Weed would not give them a dollar bill, and that’s when they allegedly hit him in the head.
“There was some sort of dialogue that ensued after that that made it a negative situation. There was a punch that was delivered to the back of the head by the 16-year-old, at that point in time there was a number of minutes that elapsed after that at which point in time, you all saw the video, the younger 15-year-old came flying through, lands a deadly blow to the victim,” said Frederick County State’s Attorney Charlie Smith.
David is kind, saying “his own actions show he can’t be trusted outside of a cage and needs to stay in one until he can be.”
I’m not such a nice guy as David. Put him to death. He’s guilty of premeditated murder. That’s the Scriptural prescription, and besides, I don’t believe in the rehabilitative power of prisons, a fact my readers know full well. That prison is rehabilitative is a notion of modernism.
The Scriptural prescription for murder, kidnapping and rape is death. The Scriptural prescription for theft is slavery to the offended person until the debt is paid. There is no such thing as a biblical idea of a debt to society.
On September 26, 2019 at 6:03 am, ragman said:
A slow, painful death administered by the victim’s family if they want to participate. This horrible incident simply reinforces the fact that a single punch, or possibly two can be fatal. No one is allowed to touch you without your permission. And yes, deadly force is permitted to stop them. Also, stay away from crowds. That kinda puts us in a cage. So be it. Going to a fair, or sportsball, or a concert is not worth your life.
On September 26, 2019 at 7:25 am, June J said:
“My son is not an animal,” he said of his 15-year-old son. “He’s never been in trouble. He made a mistake. He’s only 15. I feel for the other family. They lost a loved one. My son doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison.”
Wrong sir, that is not a mistake. Accept that your son committed a crime resulting in the death of another person and should be held accountable for his actions. The man will be dead forever and his family should expect justice be served upon the animal you call your child. You failed as a father if your sons feel like beating another person is the best choice because he won’t hand over his money when demanded.
The judge called the attack a “terrible tragedy” and ordered both suspects held until their next court date on October 22.
Wrong judge, it’s a “terrible crime” when a man is beaten to death. Your job is to administer justice, not minimize the acts of criminals regardless of their age.
On September 26, 2019 at 11:05 am, JoeFour said:
Yep. Death penalty … and well deserved.
On September 26, 2019 at 2:41 pm, Fred said:
None of this would have happened if the last guy had been hanged in public…and the guy before that would have deterred the guy before had he been hanged in public…and the guy before…
See, in God’s perfect justice, it is not the people who are having revenge but God, if we would submit we simply receive all of the blessings of a near zero crime rate and the blood would be, in God’s own promise by His Word, on the perps own head by 2 or 3 witnesses.
Almost no serious crime, the people reaping what they sow and the blessings and curses of their own fruit at their own hands. See how nice it could be if America were a God fearing people? Wouldn’t that be neat, a near zero crime rate and self responsibility? What a concept, what will God think of next. Pfft.
On September 26, 2019 at 7:44 pm, BRVTVS said:
And here’s another case: https://nypost.com/2019/09/25/teen-dies-after-being-sucker-punched-by-middle-school-classmate/