Just One More Reason To Mistrust The NRA
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea.
The National Rifle Association’s executive vice president and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, has named Jason Ouimet to serve as executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). The NRA Board of Directors unanimously affirmed Ouimet’s selection at its recent board meeting.
Unanimously affirmed. Has anything happened in the world lately that the NRA board hasn’t unanimously affirmed?
Good grief.
So take a look at David’s links to this guy’s dealing with Len Savage. I don’t trust him. Besides, Len Savage is a friend of TCJ, and when you take a swipe at a friend, you take it at me too.
That’s just the way I roll.
On September 27, 2019 at 8:20 am, Heywood said:
The NRA is in existence to give the left a boogeyman to fight, without having to worry about them actually accomplishing anything for gun rights. They are a bloated, bureaucratic, machine there to enrich the staff and the board. Their usefulness has long since ceased to be. As always, follow the money…..
On September 27, 2019 at 10:45 am, Len Savage said:
More than you know Mr. Heywood.
Jason Ouimet essentially back then explained that if I had testified, it would have destroyed ATF’s credibility and his fear was that FBI, a far more bullet proof organization would take over for them.
It was at that point that Aaron Zelman and I realized it was symbiotic relationship ATF plays off of NRA for more money. NRA does the same.
They each use the other for funding.
FWIW I was to testify about the ATF not having NO written testing procedures for evidence used in court…and the targeting by that agency I had endured when I uncovered the fact.
On September 27, 2019 at 3:35 pm, Pat Hines said:
I find it problematic that La Pierre claims the position of CEO at the NRA, which makes it appear he’s an owner of the NRA.
Wayne La Pierre needs to go, for the good of the NRA.
I am a voting life member.
On September 27, 2019 at 9:18 pm, The Wretched Dog said:
Well, this 20-plus year Life Member cancelled his NRA membership in August.
Letter as:
1. Effective immediately, cancel my NRA Life Membership …
2. STOP sending me requests for money!
3. You would have the money to fight New York State’s lawfare campaign, if you had not wasted millions on extravagant compensation and gadding-about (e.g. excessive, lavish travel).
4. The organizational evisceration of any opposition to WL’s ‘Divine Right to Rule’ is unacceptable to this (former) member.
5. Don’t think that the membership hasn’t noticed that the NRA never solves the problem; it always requires “just one more election …” – and a bunch more in donations. Got it. We understand the incestuous relationship between the legislative and the lobbying branches of government.
6. It is clear to this 30+plus years long member – 20 of which as a Life Member – that the NRA’s Board of Directors had signally failed in its individual and collective fiduciary duties to the organization and to the members.
On September 28, 2019 at 12:17 pm, Ned said:
Finally had a minute to follow the link to the WOG post. I remember this. I haven’t given a dime to NRA since that 2008 post – when they tossed Len under the bus and screwed us all.
My guess back then was this was not an isolated incident – it is how NRA works.
On May 20, 2020 at 6:38 pm, Thomas H. Houchen said:
preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes …..what kind of political double-speak is this?
I suggest that since you brought the CIA agent Col.North in that the whole org. has turned & is now nothing but a target of ridicule….so enjoy your political games waiting for the NWO/Soros takeover & then we will see if your politics will benefit you