There Is No Open Carry In Florida, I’m Going To Take Your Weapons
BY Herschel Smith
It sure seems like one day Florida LEOs would get the news. Who trains these guys anyway?
It sure seems like one day Florida LEOs would get the news. Who trains these guys anyway?
On October 2, 2019 at 5:52 am, ragman said:
Cops are not being trained. They are being indoctrinated. They could care less about laws. Everything they do is a show of force done to intimidate Americans. The chief of this Gestapo outfit should be held responsible for the ignorance of his/her stormtroopers. Same thing happened on Miami Beach a while back. A statewide stand down must be put into effect until they DO receive the proper training. And if they decide to ignore state laws they should be fired and sent to prison for at least five years. These ignorant assholes work for us and it’s about time they understand that.
On October 2, 2019 at 4:10 pm, Longbow said:
Cops, “You can’t carry a weapon! Only I can carry a weapon! You don’t wear a Super Hero Costume or bear a Magic Shield! You’re not a member of the Gang! Who the hell do you think you are… a Free Man? With Natural Rights?”
Yes, Mr. Policeman, that IS your attitude.
On October 2, 2019 at 4:20 pm, Ned said:
CLEO must be the new acronym for douchebag.
On October 6, 2019 at 3:01 am, Dan said:
As long as there are NO PERSONAL CONSEQUENCES for badgemonkeys who commit crimes and violate the Constitution and our rights there is NO INCENTIVE for them to cease doing so. Most of them KNOW they are committing a crime WHILE THEY ARE DOING SO. They simply DO NOT CARE. Till we MAKE them care they will continue to do so.