Oklahomans “Brace” For Constitutional Carry
BY Herschel Smith
Gun control advocates say they’ll spend October distributing “firearms prohibited” window stickers to Oklahoma business owners who don’t want untrained and unlicensed consumers carrying guns into their establishments.
The effort marks gun-control advocates’ next effort to thwart the new controversial gun law, which takes effect Nov. 1.
“We know that our businesses are allowed to prohibit guns on their property,” said Kay Malan, of Tulsa, who volunteers with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
In recent weeks, the gun-control group also participated in a citizen-led ballot initiative that sought give voters a say on whether to accept or reject the legislation. The effort failed to garner enough signatures to get the issue before voters.
The legislative measure allows anyone at least 21 years old without a felony conviction or other criminal records to carry with no permitting, licensing or training. The bill does not allow people to brandish firearms nor does it change where Oklahomans can legally carry. For instance, people would still be prohibited from carrying on college campuses.
So let’s make a prediction and see how accurate it was later on, say, a year from now.
There will be blood running in the streets because of this. Or not.
On October 7, 2019 at 9:15 am, Fred said:
That headline made me laugh. I’ll take “not” for 1000 Alex, and go one step further to say that violent crime will drop by several percent, over the coming immediate few years, in the Sooner state.
On October 7, 2019 at 9:19 am, Longbow said:
Don’t try to confuse me with a bunch of facts… I know how I feel!
On October 7, 2019 at 1:39 pm, Ned2 said:
They could just look at Maine……………..
On October 7, 2019 at 1:49 pm, Pat A Hines said:
When South Carolina went with shall issue concealed carry, the Gun Confiscation Lobby did that here. Self defense rights advocates organized a campaign of letter writing to any business that posted those same sort of signs.
Businesses that refused to take them down were put on a “Don’t Do Business With” list, which was then mailed around.
While a few businesses kept their signs up, most took them down.
On October 7, 2019 at 2:33 pm, Badger said:
Awaiting testimony from a business owner in a year who can affirm that they had a criminal come back later & relate how they did NOT enter their property because of a window sticker.