The History Children Aren’t Taught In School Today
BY Herschel Smith
Watching the Military History Channel on the Bataan Death March and what eventually happened to those prisoners, one veteran wanted to walk the march with his son to help him understand what had forged who he was. At one of the monuments, one Filipino student said something like this.
“Here in the Philippines we have so many military monuments and study this history so much, it’s hard to believe none of this is taught in the West.” She was part of a student field trip to the monument and the lives of these students and this veteran happened to intersect.
Then she asked permission to hug him, and they all got pictures together.
No, American students aren’t taught that today. In the public centers of communist indoctrination, they are taught that although they are girls, they may really be boys, or vice versa.
On October 18, 2019 at 9:00 am, Fred said:
Life is hard, it’s harder when your stupid. (not sure who to attribute that to) But, if you’re a controller, making armies of ignorant fools is a great idea. Later on it always backfires, but there’s a civilization to overthrow donch’ya know. Has there ever been an entire nation of useful idiots? There’s a first time for everything.
They have some cool old forts in the P.I. Went to an old Spanish fort that guarded Manila bay. Almost got shot by a buggy driver but that’s a different story, they have much different national use of force laws applied among those various tribes. You can go to Manila and Bangkok by yourself, if you’re otherwise stupid enough to do it. It wasn’t better then at all, but the things I did…