Tyrant Cop Threatens Open Carrier In Florida
BY Herschel Smith
I have several observations.
First, the “commander” is an asshole.
Second, they don’t know the law the way they should.
Third, and I’ll say this for the hundredth time, muzzle flagging people like cops do is dangerous to life.
Fourth, listen again to the “commander’s” words. Any time someone says that they support the second amendment, but … you know they’re lying.
Fifth, it’s good to see folks in Florida challenging the cops. These 2A audits are becoming a thing. I like that. A man has no business telling me how I should carry my weapons.
On October 21, 2019 at 8:16 am, ragman said:
I don’t know what these badged thugs do during their “training” sessions. They obviously never learned what this very important law is or they simply don’t care. The idiot transplant from some northeast shithole admitted that the guy was perfectly within his rights but that “there are women and children around”. So what! I’ll guarantee you that said women and children are in a lot more danger from the idiots on this police department than they are from some guy going fishing that is exercising his Second Amendment rights.
On October 22, 2019 at 6:13 pm, Johnny Paratrooper said:
Everyone in this situation is retarded.
Florida is a sh*thole FYI.
No offense to Alpha Charlie Concepts or Matt Bracken; but to hell with that state. It is full of dickheads, meth heads, Strippers, and queers.