Oh California!
BY Herschel Smith
Ten special agents from the California Department of Justice were watching as a man walked out of the Big Reno Show and placed his purchases in his car.
The black Isuzu with California plates headed west on Interstate 80 into the Sierra Nevada, eventually crossing the Nevada state line. That’s when the California Highway Patrol pulled Vincent Huey over. Inside the vehicle, state Justice Department agents found 18 high-capacity magazines, some capable of holding 30 rounds, according to court records.
Ten agents. Not shutting down Latino gangs, not stopping the Marijuana farmers from raping the land and polluting the water with illicit use of chemicals. Ten agents, working on high capacity magazines.
California has the largest tax base of any state in the nation–with quite high income taxes, sales taxes, and fuel taxes. But despite these criminally high tax rates, California is now famous for its crumbling freeways, decrepit bridges (despite $3 to $7 bridge tolls), 20+ cents per kilowatt hour power bills, high tap water bills, and taxes that have boosted gasoline prices to $4+ per gallon. There are restrictions on wood home heating stoves, hundreds of gun control laws, and bi-annual smog inspections for cars. Many older cars can be re-registered only after paying hundreds of dollars in “attempted” smog control remediation. And then there are the leaky water mains, the leaky natural gas pipes, and leaky dams.
The state is becoming over-run with illegal aliens. The state legislature granted them driver’s licenses. And now there is talk of illegals being appointed to state boards and commissions–all for the sake of “fair representation.” In California’s larger cities, the streets are strewn with human feces and hypodermic syringes. Rats now breed in piles of uncollected trash. Homeless mental patients wander through neighborhoods shouting obscenities, there is public nudity, burgeoning homeless encampments, legalized recreational marijuana… The list goes on and on. Despite all of these problems, the legislature seems intent on providing free health care to illegal aliens, and taxpayer funding of huge Green Energy boondoggles. Not just millions but billions of California taxpayer dollars have been wasted. Talk radio show host Michael Savage refers to San Francisco as “Sodom By The Sea.” Unfortunately, his jab is not just hyperbole.
All in all, California is now just a dim reflection of the paradise that it once was, in its golden years as The Golden State. Even the once ultra-conservative Orange County has a majority of Democrats. I’m sad to say it, but California is now a lost cause. I mourn for the loss of the California of my youth.
My advice is to get out while you can, just don’t bring progressive politics with you. Leave that and your high taxation behind for the communists to sort out.
On November 3, 2019 at 11:05 pm, B_Rad said:
I got news for you. California is also big on outlawing fireworks that are illegal in most other states. During the days that before the Fourth of July the guys at the check stations at the border busted a shit load of people trying to drive from Nevada back into California with illegal fireworks. Which means they have something sniffing gun powder at these check points. So if you think your going to smuggle ammo back into the state you better know the back roads well. I’d suggest the Mormon Immigrant Trail. Better watch the snow.
On November 4, 2019 at 7:41 am, Nosmo said:
“My advice is to get out while you can, just don’t bring progressive politics with you.”
It’s time to stop suggesting this; with a very limited number of exceptions, whomever is still in California at this point is part of the problem. They’ve been accepting the decline into depravity and econimic failure in exchange for the sunshine and a pay check and any exodus is going to be driven not by unacceptance of a failed society but personal revulsion because it’s now happening at the end of their driveway. Such people cannot help but bring all their failed leftist baggage with them because they’ll believe “it was all perfectly fine and dandy until I had to step over it on my own sidewalk.”
If they have problems in California they should be fighting in California to solve those problems.
Wherever such people land will soon begin to suffer the same decline; remember, it always starts very small. We can limit Californication to inside California; if it’s allowed to metastisize across the country we’re all doomed.
On November 4, 2019 at 9:02 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
I have to agree with Nosmo. We see some of this happening in Utah where folks from California moving in and bringing their “progressive” and “forward thinking” policies here.
I, for one, believe this kind of thinking is ruining Utah. More acceptance for higher taxes, a governor who has told the president to bring more refugees to Utah, bigger and more government programs, etc. No, no, and again, no.
For the first time in my life, I’m wanting to leave the state and move elsewhere. I won’t say where (lest the lefties decide to follow), but Utah is becoming infected with the California mentality of “government can fix all” which I despise. I’m concerned that the disease cannot be stopped, but I hope that I’m wrong.
On November 4, 2019 at 10:34 am, George said:
The problem is too many do not leave their progressive attitudes or politics behind. Ada County in Idaho voted for the democrat governor in the last election. The democrat, Paulette Jordon, was even more mentally ill than most democrats and that is saying something. Granted the Republican who did win the election is no prize.
Many friends tell me that the refugees from California are conservatives that are fleeing their communist State. Maybe so in some cases but Ada County did not turn blue for no reason. If it comes to taking all of them or none of them I would vote for none of them.
On November 4, 2019 at 11:07 am, Fred said:
And remember, Trump’s tax policy toward high tax states, which all of the trumptards thought was very funny and to which I tried to warn about, which is helping to drive the progs out of the high state tax states into the low/zero tax states. Well, as with all things Trump, the joke is on you! You’ve been had again. The PLAN is going masterfully, just vote for him again and your whole country will be handed over to New York liberal (communist) policies.
Can people be so dumb that they like his regime because his tweets are funny?
On November 4, 2019 at 11:18 am, George said:
Trump is bad and the others are worse. Maybe there is some merit to the acceleration plan. Elect Warren or Buttplug or Biden or even Hillary. Then the final chapter gets here quicker and the rebuilding can start on the other side sooner. It would probably not work out that way but it is interesting to speculate.
One way or another by about 2033 at the latest, I don’t see this country being configured as it is now.
On November 4, 2019 at 11:44 am, MTHead said:
Nosmo, Michael, George. All spot on! I lived in so. Oregon for 20 yrs.+. (frontline test ground for the magic dirt theory) Now Oregon was always a corrupt shathole.
And somehow the “refugees” figured how to it worse. It’s now just another failed narco state in denial.
If you live in another state. DO NOT allow anyone from California to run for elected office. It should be a litmus test. Because no matter what they say. They will always allow the same rot to move right in. Hell, most of the time their related to it. As in drug addicted son moves back “home”.
I could go on for hours. If someone from Cali. moves into your neighborhood. Watch’em. If they get out of line. Get in their face.
On November 4, 2019 at 11:54 am, Fred said:
Oh, and while I’m warning people today, wait until you see the progress the muz have made in this country when they, once again, get the blessing and full backing of Washington after the democrats take over. You are NOT preparing enough or correctly, they are not idle while driven underground these several years. My prediction, it’s just swag, is that when the democrats retake the white house they will begin to light this country up. But yeah, let’s just git ‘er started, and vote commie to hasten the fall because at least with a democrat in the white house you won’t be catching near as many bullets from your supposed allies on the right. Trump is a scourge.
On November 4, 2019 at 1:22 pm, George said:
You are right Fred. The only thing to do now is to prepare as best we can and help others to do so. The orks are past the wire.
On November 4, 2019 at 4:38 pm, Chris Mallory said:
It is a shame. In my lifetime of 50 years, California was once the Golden Land. They wrote songs about it being the place for a new start for a blue collar working man. Girls, cars, sun and surf. Now it is little more than an open air sewer.
Almost like the Gatlin Brothers could see the future with “All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else’s name”.
On November 4, 2019 at 6:53 pm, Ned2 said:
This is a nationwide problem, not endemic to California. They’re just doing it better than the rest of us.
The reliance on government is prevalent in EVERY state, and it’s not going to go away. We have become a nation of codependent sheep, expecting to be cared for at every stage of our lives, from education to health care to debt and all of the “social” programs designed to keep us obedient to our superiors.
On November 7, 2019 at 4:12 pm, ExpatNJ said:
“1 in 3 San Francisco residents want out, according to city survey”
Nosmo and George above called it:
Step 1: Create a Communist/Socialist sh!thole in a Blue state
Step 2. Drive (seemingly) good citizens out of said Blue state, to spread same sh!thole-ness, to corrupt Red states, with same attitude.
Step 3: Repeat as necessary.
Sounds more and more like features, not bugs.