Working Together To Save Lives?
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 2 months ago
If we can identify the mentally ill people that are suicidal, I think that is another conversation that is worth having.
I said, “We shouldn’t take some guns from all people; we should take all guns from some people,” but I think an important part of that is that it is the people we all agree shouldn’t have guns. I am not looking to be prescriptive there as much as I am looking to find where that common ground is.
We’re going to have a hard time finding that common ground, Dan. The problem is that ” … efforts to limit firearm access only for persons with a mental health condition (including substance use disorders) or those who previously attempted suicide would prevent few suicide deaths by firearm.”
It just doesn’t work the way you’re saying it works. And besides that, if we agree to agree on just a tiny little bit, like say, on a category of prohibited persons, who’s to say you won’t expand that list of prohibited persons to include someone who believes in Jesus, or believes in the RKBA?
No, I think forty years ago that speech would have worked. It’ll probably work today with Wayne and the other folks in Fairfax. But history has taught us that the words and meaning of the 2A are unalterable and not up for negotiation.
On November 4, 2019 at 7:55 am, Nosmo said:
“If we can identify the mentally ill people that are suicidal, I think that is another conversation that is worth having.”
“Having a conversation” with a Leftist always means “you need to learn to do it my way.”
The United States maintains, at no small expense, a rather large system of courts, judges, lawyers, victim advocates, state-paid, and privately-paid, mental health “experts,” etc. which begins at a fairly low level – municipal and county courts – and extends through multiple levels and appellate courts all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
If one wishes to engage the services of that legtimate legal infrastructure and practitioners for the purpose of determining mental capabilities and proclivity for self-harm, they stand ready to perform their assigned duties, insofar as human frailty and inadequacies permit.
What “Ammoland Dan” suggests, however, is turning loose the Professional Practitioners of Witchcraft – psychiatrists and psycologists – to perform as independent regulators of individual liberty and rights.
The so-called “mental health community” is entitled to express an opinion; it is neither entitled, nor equipped, to render final judgment in place of long estabished jurisprudence and Constitutional mandate.
On November 4, 2019 at 11:42 am, Fred said:
The guy is a Delphi agent. Trust him and you lose your gun rights. I listened and read everything he said. He said, NOTHING, to cheering crowds. He literally made no concrete statement as to anything and they loved it. The only thing that I can gather is that he is another Red Flag gun controller. People are retarded.
TN has laws and procedures in place to address those with supposed mental challenges. The laws are as they should be, rigorous to prevent abuse by dot gov, there must be, as has been the case in western jurisprudence for 600 years (except that little National Socialist experiment) an actual instance of self harm or attempted harm of another. When I tell “Christians” and “conservatives” this stuff here they don’t care, they want fallujah style door to door gun owner take downs I guess. They know I have guns, I have a big fat one on my hip, they claim to like me personally, and still don’t care if I die in a hail of bullets at the hands of Trump’s Red Flag army to save them from the sins of men. Where, in the Holy Bible or the US law does it state that sin is solved by theft or murder? Can the devil cast out his own?
“And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.”
Your descendants, dear “Christians” and “conservatives” will find your generations lacking in all respects with regard to the Law of God and will condemn you all the more on that great and terrible day. Your own children will be witnesses against you…because you are stupid enough to think that “we’re saving the children” with theft of guns and murder by the state for non-compliance. You have forsaken the Kingdom of God and replaced it with the Empire of Washington DC and your children will suffer for generations. Fools!
Am I for so called Christian Reconstruction? It’s looking that way. There is a higher Law. Apparently Fox News has rewritten the Law of God that God puts on believer’s hearts with retardness. I guess we’re just going to have to institute the 10 commandments and sub commandments (it’s a framework), and Pauline social and church doctrines into code to fix this problem. How do you like that for Reactionary, a Holy Bible based Theocracy!?!
On November 4, 2019 at 3:28 pm, June J said:
Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Especially when they stop howling and start sounding like sheep.