Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 2 months ago
While leftists continue to deny that border control is a national security issue, on Tuesday, a Muslim migrant from Jordan named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was sentenced to three years in prison for sneaking at least six Yemeni Muslims into the United States across the border from Mexico. What could they possibly have been planning? No doubt they just wanted to do the jobs that Americans refuse to take, right?
These are by no means the first Muslims to have been caught crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. Judicial Watch reported back in 2016 that police in a New Mexico border town arrested a woman they described as an “Islamic refugee” who was “in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.” This was, it said, the latest in “a number of stories in the last few years about Mexican drug traffickers smuggling Islamic terrorists into the United States through the porous southern border…. A few months ago Judicial Watch reported that members of a cell of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks with the help of Mexican drug traffickers.”
[ … ]
Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year, according to Judicial Watch’s high-level Homeland Security sources. Now Khabir trains thousands of men—mostly Syrians and Yemenis—to fight in an ISIS base situated in the Mexico-U.S. border region near Ciudad Juárez. Khabir actually brags in a European newspaper article about how easy it is to stake out American targets because the border region is wide open.
It all mates well with the larger plan by the globalists to wreak chaos in America, leading ultimately to a totalitarian state and control by the global elitists.
Be prepared as best as you can.
On November 5, 2019 at 5:48 am, Matt said:
Sadly, it is going to take “the big one” to get people to wake up and realize the truth.
On November 5, 2019 at 12:39 pm, Mad Mick said:
Already here based on the Clarion Project, one right down the road from Charlotte, in Holy Islamville…
Address: Islamville Way York County, S.C. 29745
Year Founded: 1982
More likely to pop up like herpes in a trailer park…
On November 5, 2019 at 3:30 pm, ExpatNJ said:
I’ve been out of New Jersey almost 20 years. I found out they invaded, and now occupy, a small town not far from my boyhood home:
MCNJ Muslim Community of New Jersey, Masjid Bab-al-Rahmah
15 S 2nd St, Fords, NJ 08863
Phone: (732) 738-5100;
Wanna know the worst part of this? They purchased, and moved into, a defunct, vacant, Christian Church.
The locals offered no opposition. They either can’t see, or refuse to acknowledge, what’s coming. “Be prepared as best as you can”. Indeed.
On November 5, 2019 at 4:42 pm, ExpatNJ said:
An indicator of Islamic invasion of America (apologies for 2 sequential posts):
Pork pile up continues: Bacon Levels in US Cold Storage Surge to 48 Yr High – 11/05/2019
On November 5, 2019 at 5:20 pm, Steve Miller said:
I’d hazard a guess that the FBI is involved in facilitating this, so they have “terror attacks” to protect us from