West Virginia Delegate Seeks To Hold No-Gun Zones Legally Liable For Shooting Injuries
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 2 months ago
BECKLEY, W.Va. (WVVA) In the wake of several mass shootings across the U.S., several major retailers have started asking and, in some cases, requiring that customers keep firearms out of their stores.
But do these new policies go far enough to protect the public?
According to W.Va. Del. Brandon Steele, (R) 29th, legislation is needed to hold no-gun zones accountable in the event of a tragedy.
“If you’ve taken away that person’s ability to protect themselves, then it’s incumbent on you to protect them,” explained Del. Steele who is seeking a revision in state code.
While all Americans have the right to bare (sic) arms, Del. Steele said there are key exemptions in the state code that allow for no gun zones. Some examples include school and some businesses.
“You never know what’s going to happen. It’s been proven over and over, most of these shootings occur in no gun zones,” said Tom Acosta in Beckley.
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“Look at the shooting in Florida where the officer didn’t go in, the government needs to be liable there. They were supposed to protect the kids,” said Del. Steele. “We’re not saying there should be no gun-free zones, what we’re saying is if you create one, it’s your duty to protect the people inside.”
It would make businesses think more than once about posting “No Firearms” signs on the door, yes?
It probably stands a small chance of passing.
On November 18, 2019 at 9:43 am, Fred said:
They tried this in TN but by the time the legislation reached the floor for a final vote it had been flipped on its head and businesses and incorporated property owners, NOT YOU mere peasant with your house and land, are made never liable. Got to keep the global corporation safe and secure from all harm.
And PS, the NRA and their retards still supported it in it’s final form!!!
On November 18, 2019 at 10:33 am, Frank Clarke said:
The NRA supported this?? I’m shocked — shocked, I tell you — to find gambling going on at Ri… Sorry, wrong movie.