Update On Las Vegas Shooting
BY Herschel Smith
Uncle attaches this photo, and says the following.
That story promptly went away for no reason. But the UK press has been covering it. That piece is a few months old. But it does put to rest the conspiracy theory that he didn’t really use a bump stuck .. On the right, that is pretty clearly a bump stock.
Sorry, but that photo proves nothing. No one has demonstrated yet that he actually used a bump stock, or even what weapons were used. Remember, Uncle? The FBI prevented the ATF from examining the firearms in the room. Wonder why they did that?
Say, I did notice how clean that room was. Clean ceiling, clean floor, clean carpet, spotless lamp shades, everything is spotless. Just like he had discharged thousands of rounds in that very location. Or perhaps they accidentally let the maid in before they took the picture. Yea, that’s got to be it.
I’ll repeat the question my former Marine asked after this event: “Have you ever discharged thousands of rounds in a confined space like that? Do you know what it looks like after a battle like that? I have, and I do.”
On November 18, 2019 at 8:12 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
The whole MSM/deep-state narrative about the Las Vegas mass shooting stinks to high heaven, and does not stand up under critical and impartial analysis.
Herschel, your son’s observations are right on point. The discharge of even one round of pistol or rifle ammunition in a contained space like a hotel room would leave a veritable super-highway of physical and chemical evidence in its wake, from powder (propellant) residue embedded in the carpet, drapes and bedding, to microscopic fragments of brass, copper and lead, to the presence of any chemical/physical taggants embedded in the propellant. And much more…
Not to mention the thousands of spent brass casings a mass-shooting event would entail. The broken glass, the chipped paint, the ephemera crimes almost always contain. None of these were in evidence.
As your son knows, battlefields are chaotic and messy places. The so-called “shooting sight” borne none of the characteristics which would be expected in such a place.
Perhaps the most-damning evidence against the official narrative, however, came from the attendees at the country music festival itself, which included many military veterans – among them combat veterans. Multiple witnesses reported that the aural/visual signatures of the weapons used during the attack were consistent with those of crew-served automatic weapons, not an AR with a bump-stock. And witnesses further report that more than one shooter was active during the attack at the same time as the alleged perpetrator, firing from a very different place in the hotel not even on the same floor as the “official” shooting site.
On November 18, 2019 at 8:27 pm, Heywood said:
@ Georgiaboy
Stinks is EXACTLY how I was going to describe this. If there had been a narrative for the lamestream media to push, we would STILL be reading/hearing about this.
On November 18, 2019 at 9:25 pm, Fred said:
The extra-constitutional re-classification and then ban is now a proven model. This isn’t over, it’s just getting started.
On November 19, 2019 at 8:00 am, Len Savage said:
FOIA results from the six lawsuits I filed right after the event show many things.
The FBI FOIA results contained ROI’s or Reports of Investigation show overwhelmingly that folks reported a second shooter on the ground. ROI’s also show that Paddock had a history of playing with and dealing in illicit Drop In Auto Sear’s or DIAS.
The FBI just last week offered to pay my attorney fees and all expense’s if I will just go away now.
It stinks of a government operation gone bad. THAT is why it was memory holed fast than Epstein didn’t kill himself memes or the whistle blower Eric CIAramella’s name on facebook…
On November 19, 2019 at 8:02 am, Len Savage said:
Do you see the Secret/NOFORN classification in #1 FBI production?
Want to take a guess why? Perhaps a foreign government was involved?
On November 19, 2019 at 8:08 am, Fred said:
It was OBVIOUSLY an op that went sideways. How sideways or what really happened we’ll never know.
On November 19, 2019 at 1:30 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Len Savage
Re: “Do you see the Secret/NOFORN classification in #1 FBI production? Want to take a guess why? Perhaps a foreign government was involved?”
Mandalay Bay, the hotel alleged shooter Stephen Paddock used as his shooting site, is reportedly partly favored by the Saudis,who have a substantial financial interest in it. Many members of the Saudi royal family and entourage have stayed there. A number of theories have emerged that implicate them in the attack.
Billionaire Prince al-Waleed Bin Talal, a noted Islamic supremacist and known past supporter of terror/jihad groups, was known to frequent Mandalay Bay. So was head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Bandar. It is unknown whether either was in the building at the time of the actual attack, but it is certainly possible they were involved in it as financiers, planners and facilitators. If not them, then subordinates.
There have been signs that Paddock was involved in a weapons sale gone wrong, but at least from the outside, these reports are inconclusive.
The hotel’s involvement in this is strange, to say the least. Modern resort hotels like the Mandalay Bay are generally very secure places, with comprehensive video surveillance, security guards, key-card entry and other safety/security features.
How was one man – Stephen Paddock – able to move so much gear, weapons and ammo to his room without being picked up by hotel security in some manner.
How was he able to make preparations for the attack without being observed? These and a host of other questions continue to cast doubt upon the official narrative issued by authorities in the wake of the attack.
Someone with some serious juice, however, could have made these security concerns into much less of a problem. Meaning that Paddock had help, powerful, well-connected help.
Circumstantial evidence favors this interpretation. Not long after the attack, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Sultan cracked-down upon Prince Bandar and Waleed bin-Talal, and around the same time is when Jamal Khashoggi was murdered. Whether his death is somehow connected to events in the U.S. is unclear, but what is clear is that a great deal is going on behind the curtain which conceals the Saudi royal family and government from view.
On November 19, 2019 at 1:41 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Look at the glare on the floor in front of the shelves. Not even a footprint. Clean enough to cause a glare.
On November 19, 2019 at 3:15 pm, TRX said:
Funny, I’d expect most of the guns to be near the hole in the window. Yet they’re mostly in a pile some distance away.
As for how he got all the stuff up to his room… likely he pulled into the parking deck, told the attendant he needed assistance with his luggage, and a bellhop brought a cart and wheeled all his stuff up to his room.
I’ve been in not-nearly-so-fancy hotels where people showed up with six-foot-long clothing racks, dressers, and crates the size of chest freezers. The staff wasn’t fazed in the least.