Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Appreciating Roy Clark

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

From the comments, there is this.

I had the luck (and high honor) of meeting Tony Randall and Heather (his wife) at a restaurant in NYC in 1998. I asked him about this particular scene and he told me this story. He and Jack Klugman rehearsed this scene with Roy many times, but Roy would play a different piece every time (but NEVER Bach or Mountain Dew!). When they shot this in front of the studio audience, he and Jack were both simply ‘reacting’, not acting. When he fell back over the sofa, that was not planned (they would have framed the shot differently it it were) and Jack was laughing at Tony’s genuine reaction as he turned away from the audience and Jack mouthed “He got us!”. The audience applauded, as well as most of the crew. It was a ‘true moment’ that was caught forever on tape. A one-take wonder thanks to the legendary Roy Clark. So, it was shot live, the music was unrehearsed, and the reactions were real. Awesome!

It’s good to see anyone express sincere appreciation for the musical genius and talent of Roy Clark.

Enjoy your Saturday!

The Regulation Of Advertising That Threatens The Public’s Health, Safety, And Morals Has Long Been Considered A Core Exercise Of The States’ Police Powers

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

So says the Connecticut Supreme Court.

They are seeking information about Remington’s marketing strategy for the Bushmaster AR-15. The question is whether gun manufacturers such as Remington actively marketed assault weapons such as the AR-15 “to civilians for criminal purposes” in violation of the state’s consumer protection laws, Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Richard Palmer wrote in the March decision.

“We also conclude that Congress has not clearly manifested an intent to extinguish the traditional authority of our legislature and our courts to protect the people of Connecticut from the pernicious practices alleged in the present case. The regulation of advertising that threatens the public’s health, safety, and morals has long been considered a core exercise of the states’ police powers,” Justice Palmer wrote.

They don’t really believe that a legitimate manufacturer would market anything “for criminal purposes.”  That’s self defeating, as criminals get caught, thus preventing future sales to said individuals.

That’s just legal-speak for “We don’t like you and want to see you go bankrupt.”

As for where the prog nanny state goes from here, you’ve heard the most concise admission you’ll ever hear from any prog.  They’re smarter than you and want to regulate your morals.  Not the morals of abortionists, but of you.  Morals is decided in the halls of Congress, or in other words, by the deeds of demons, gargoyles and pit vipers.

Go back to your labors, peasants.

Wirecutter’s Loss

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

Kenny lost his beloved dog.  I know this loss.  The hole in my heart from losing my Heidi-girl is still there.  We were best friends.

Drop him a note and give him your condolences.

44 Magnum Rifle Versus Revolver

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

This is a good video, worthy of reviewing his data.

You pick up a nontrivial amount of velocity with the rifle compared to the revolver.

I recently read a comment by Matt Bracken.

I think a good case can be made, especially in the thick southeastern hills and woods, for a scoped levergun/revolver pairing in 44 or 357 mag. Going from a 4″ revolver to a 16″ rifle barrel boosts .357 and .44M velocity by better than 25%, and the steadier or rested rested scoped rifle is going to give better real-world accuracy results as well.

The velocity boost for 22LR is not as great coming from a longer rifle barrel, the payoff with a 22 rifle is it’s very quiet, especially with subsonic ammo, because the powder charge is practically spent, and there just isn’t much muzzle blast left over.

I think a good case can be made too.  But I prefer to wait until Henry designs and distributes a side-gate loading .44 magnum rifle.  They have them already for select calibers.  Paired up with a .44 magnum wheel gun, that would be a great combination.

What are they waiting for?

Tyrant Cop

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

This video is one of the most incredible I’ve seen.  He refuses to properly identify himself (he could be literally anyone posing as a LEO), he fails to understand the law, and he stops the driver without reasonable suspicion of a crime.

This quite obviously isn’t a “Terry Stop.”  His statement that he can do “anything I want to do” is obviously false and a lie, and either he is an exposed liar on video, or he is too stupid to know that he is lying.

Good Lord.  The Police Department of Lawrence, Indiana, needs to cull out the sociopaths from their people.  Perhaps that would deplete their ranks.

Oh, and one more thing.  Tell fat boy he needs to put on a ruck and hit the trail.

By the way, their contact information can be located here.

Slav Guns Explains NICS Data

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

He does an educated review of the most recent NICS data.  I agree with his assessment, and I see prices increasing while inventory begins to decrease over the year 2020.

New Taxes On Guns And Ammunition Approved By Tacoma City Council

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

Fox News.

In an 8-0 vote Tuesday night, the city council of Tacoma, Wash., approved new taxes on the sales of firearms and ammunition.

When the taxes take effect July 1, 2020, gun buyers will pay a $25 tax on each purchase, plus 2 cents per round on ammunition of .22 caliber or less, and 5 cents per round on all other types of ammunition, the News Tribune of Tacoma reported.

That’s doubtless in addition to the federal, state and county taxes.  This all continues the evolution to make gun owners pariah.

Older white men are the last and only part of the population who can be discriminated against, refused work, and laid off in favor of younger people or people of color.  Ask me how I know that.

And gun owners are the last part of the population who can be discriminated against regarding taxation and commerce.  We all know this without asking.

Trump’s Transgression, Trump’s Mistake

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago


“…Trump’s transgression in his words was that Trump was violating the foreign policy of the USA – read carefully here – as articulated and decided upon by the “interagency.” The interagency or NSC, is the alliance of State, CIA, NSA, DOD, DHS, etc., Treasury too, who decide foreign policy collectively. HUD probably does not have a rep on interagency. IRS probably not either. Commerce Dept probably no rep there. This group sets foreign policy- they run the USA. Trump tried to go outside that and this is the source of the complaint- the firsthand people like Vindman went to Ciaramella or whoever tf this clown is, and used him as a focus point given his contacts with Adam Shitt to fashion the complaint…

Doubtless true.  For me, the Trump mistakes run deeper.

Trump made a huge error in surrounding himself with bad people.  I think he is an awful judge of character because he essentially has no character himself.  He left Comey in charge for too long.  He left McCabe in place for too long.  He has had deep state hacks in charge of very important positions for too long, and didn’t empty the offices of the Department of State as soon as he walked in the door.  Reince Priebus was a big mistake, but I repeat myself.  General Kelly was an equally big mistake, but McMaster was nearly the biggest mistake of all, perhaps right after Comey.  No, correction.  The biggest mistake of all was the absolute zero, Jeff Sessions, who left the deep state active, and even defended it.

He could also have made progress on the wall on the Southern border if he had chosen to focus on it early on in his tenure.  Ironically, I think he wanted a delayed wall and to be surrounded by the deep state.  He wanted the drama of the deep state to penetrate his presidency, and he wanted both the deep state and the wall as issues to run on in 2020.  Also ironically, 2020 may be too late for him.

His big mistake for me is his love of big government and gun control.


BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

This is a moving video by Haley Strategic.  Several things crossed my mind as I watched this.

First, I have no particular fondness for Veteran’s Day.  I don’t like the idea of taking a day to supposedly honor veterans.  It becomes pro forma to me.  What I do like, however, is veterans like Travis, and his director of training, engaging in things like this for veterans on a continual basis.  Good on them

Next, the story of Robert Bruce is inspiring.

Finally, I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I think often and hard about the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the men lost from Daniel’s Battalion, and it weights heavily on me from time to time.  I’m certain it weighs more heavily on me than it does the bastards who deployed them on unnecessary deployments, or on necessary deployments with overly-restrictive ROE designed to get them killed or maimed.  If you are in that camp, that is, if you were in a position to make a difference and you didn’t, then these things will doubtless weigh heavily on you in the hereafter.  You don’t kill and maim men without eternal consequences.

No, America Isn’t Heading Toward Another Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

Via David Codrea, this kid thinks he knows something.

Perhaps the biggest factor that stands between modern America and another civil war is obvious: the armed forces. Prior to the American Civil War in 1860, the U.S. military consisted of a mere 16,000 men. As the civil war broke out, one in five of the U.S. Army’s officers resigned to join the confederacy, leaving the armed forces too small and powerless to put a stop to what was occurring. Such a thing would be impossible today with how vast and expansive America’s military is now. The groups vowing to rally around Trump if he should be impeached, such as the Oath Keepers and United Constitutional Patriots, are unauthorized and scarce in number, making them a minor threat to America’s military.

Oh.  Is that how it works?  “Unathorized?”  In other news, the democrat house is spending time on making sure the U.S. military is a welcoming place for folks confused about their gender.

Nothing says “Thanks for your service” like ignoring the needs of U.S. troops. But apparently, that’s the most our military can hope for under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) majority. While the president tries to deal with conflicts around the globe, contain the threats from ISIS and rogue nations like North Korea, you’ll be relieved to know that the House is hard at work on its most important mission: ushering into the military people who are in conflict over their biological sex. And they’re willing to tie up the most important bill of the year to do it.

In yet more recent news, the U.S. military has been buying Chinese-made cameras for their rifles.

Federal agents refrained from naming the Chinese manufacturers involved. But over the years, Aventura received shipments from more than 40 different suppliers in China. The network surveillance equipment also suffered from publicly known vulnerabilities documented by the Department of Homeland Security that could pave the way for remote takeovers.

Well then.  I guess the Chinese can watch while the U.S. military tries to keep the peace across 3.8 million square miles of land in the case of any trouble.  That is, unless they’re not using rifles because they’re in mutilation surgery.

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