Virginia Anti-Paramilitary Edict Reaffirms That Tyrants Fear Armed Citizens
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 1 month ago
[This all] … presuppose[s] the “civil disorder” hasn’t been precipitated by a government violence monopoly intent on usurping unconstitutional power and ignoring human rights, such as the newly Democrat-controlled State of Virginia is doing with its feeding frenzy of disarmament edicts.
[ … ]
Item 3 recalls the “eye of the beholder” adage.
It’s true that the Constitution, through the Second Amendment and through powers delegated to Congress and the President, define Founding intent for “the Militia of the several States.” What’s also true is those in power recognize the threat such a system poses to their continued and growing depredations, and have deliberately undermined “the whole people” with “unorganized militia” weasel-wording that leaves them sidelined while a de facto standing army exists to do the enforcement bidding of parasites intent on securing their rule over “the Blessings of Liberty.”
Yes. The government of Virginia is proposing that training to cause “disorder” be illegal, while also allowing for the government of Virginia to be the catalyst of that disorder.
And remember the “eyes of the beholder” adage. There is significant latitude in this, and that’s all by design.
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