Intelligence Report #2 From Virginia
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 1 month ago
Survival Blog, from a writer named Vigilant in Virginia.
… 22 Virginia counties have adopted second amendment sanctuary resolutions. My county was among them. I went to the recent public hearing regarding this matter and was joined there by several hundred patriotic Americans in support of their right to keep and bear arms. Many speakers boldly noted to the Board of Supervisors that the Second Amendment is not about hunting, but maintaining an armed citizenry to inhibit government tyranny. The turnout and knowledge level of these fellow citizens is encouraging and makes me hopeful that freedom will be defended, that many will not simply capitulate to socialism or worse.
However, I must temper the enthusiasm of my fellow patriots. The Supervisors in my county have at times taken breathtakingly spineless actions in order to raise taxes, to have someone else to blame. And our county is poorly run by a good old boy network of people growing government for their own benefit. These people protect their own hind ends at all costs, and they commit to no position that will cost them a dime or any credibility with the sleepy voters. Let’s not think that all of a sudden these wimps have awakened to the reality of militant liberalism and are ready to fight. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The resolutions being adopted have no force of law or regulation. The Supervisors in Virginia counties have no authority over local sheriffs, and they have no sway over the State Police, National Guard, Federal law enforcement, or anyone else who might be tasked with gun confiscation. Right before passing the 2A resolution, our Board recognized some EMS personnel for good work, and the 2A document has just as much legal weight as the certificates of appreciation handed to the firemen.
The sheriff stood up in our meeting and proclaimed loudly that he was not going to ignore enforcement of any law, but he is hearing our concerns. He qualified his support multiple times, while sounding like he is on our side. Only time will tell.
Look, when the order for gun confiscation comes down, any sheriff who does not comply will eventually be removed by force by the feds or State Police. If any county politician stands up against them, they will be removed as well. I’ve long believed that gun confiscation will not be practical to implement until food rationing is in place, where the government will have leverage over the population and law enforcement through selective food distribution. Just like in Connecticut and New Jersey today where outlawing firearms/magazines has resulted in embarrassingly few surrenders of hardware, gun owners are not going to give up their firearms without either a fight, or being starved out.
What these 2A sanctuary counties are doing is great, as far as it goes, but don’t expect your local sheriff’s deputies to block the Fed’s access to your home when the order happens. This is the order you may not even hear about until that knock comes at your door. All politicians do everything to serve themselves, all the time, without exception.
It’s just as I’ve said all along. And I would add LEOs to the mix of people who serve themselves, or perhaps “Vigilant in Virginia” is doing that by categorizing them as politicians.
Declarations of sanctuaries is merely symbolic and can only be a first step. It sends a message, but unless and until local and county politicians and LEOs are willing to put their careers and safety on the line arresting State or FedGov agents who attempt to enforce confiscatory orders, this goes nowhere. It will have been nothing more than a flash in a pan.
In the comments there is this interesting web site,, which is tracking sanctuary counties and the ongoing meetings and protests.
On December 4, 2019 at 1:30 pm, Fully Automatic Pez Dispenser said:
The local sheriff is the supreme LEO here and I’m not sure about the other 49 states regarding this.
The sheriff can tell the fedgov mercs to go pound sand. They’ll just use foreigners or robos when the time comes.
In this red state since post Civil War the crackdowns are starting on “improper persons” being sold guns at gun shops.
Local gun shows feature a phalanx of cops at the entrance and woe to anyone who forgot to check their weapon for any rounds.
On December 4, 2019 at 3:38 pm, elysianfield said:
“What these 2A sanctuary counties are doing is great, as far as it goes, but don’t expect your local sheriff’s deputies to block the Fed’s access to your home when the order happens”
The Feds? News bulletin! The “Feds” do not enforce state law. Do not. Cannot. Will not.
State and local police, another matter.
On December 4, 2019 at 4:35 pm, mike said:
“The sheriff stood up in our meeting and proclaimed loudly that he was not going to ignore enforcement of any law, but he is hearing our concerns. He qualified his support multiple times, while sounding like he is on our side. Only time will tell.”
If nothing else, this lets the citizens of this county know precisely who to be on watch for. I suggest replacing this sheriff at the next opportunity if not before.
On December 4, 2019 at 9:50 pm, Poshboy said:
I disagree with the sheriff being removed by the Feds for non-compliance. The Feds will stay as far away from this fight as possible, especially in the Trump Admin. They will only care about FedGov facilities in DC and Hampton Roads. This will be Virginian-on-Virginian action. “Vigilant” has been watching too many movies and is confusing jurisdictional issues.
The VA ANG won’t come out to enforce this, either. The Dem leadership will be taking a huge risk that those units will instead move on Richmond and state government offices. The clever ones in the three infantry companies will come up with a justifiable excuse for such actions (and will be heavily assisted from outside their units, too, with intellectual ammunition), and that excuse/order will spread. Social media is unstoppable in crisis situations. And those Guard officers issuing those orders will not face prison, but election to the U.S. Senate.
Those units in the 29ID have had these discussions for years; I was once part of them in the ’90s. Many will quit, it’s not what they signed up for, but a lot said they took this job to defend the state. A lot of them own guns, and they don’t like socialism, since they just fought against it (then) a few years earlier. It will be a strange choice to make, as I remember one of them telling me, if they are told to move on Richmond and arrest the legislature. I think they will do it with this incoming crowd of NoVa freaks, too. We’ll all see, won’t we?
It will come down to VA ANG unit cohesion. And they don’t give a damn about Gov. Coonman and his bullshit agenda.
Trump may not invoke the Insurrection Act, either. He may tell the VA Dems to solve it themselves–after all, they caused it. What will Congress do if he refuses, impeach the man? (Irony.)
One thought occurred to me today thinking about this completely avoidable disaster. In past actions like this, there are always martyrs created. The East Germans used the Grenztruppen (Border Guards) who were shot by West German border police or citizens as talisman to wave at the citizenry. An earlier German revolution used a young man named Horst Wessel as a motivating factor for others in their “Movement,” and even wrote a song about him. He wasn’t the only one honored by their Blood Flag; the 12 buried in Munich were also worshiped annually by that evil socialist government.
Will we patriots in Virginia, after the first shots are exchanged, have the same victims of Leftist tyranny to uphold and avenge? Those are always turning points in history and movements. They push ordinary people over the starting line.
Whose name will it be…
Thanks for the link to the website. I had not seen that before.
On December 5, 2019 at 10:59 am, Fred said:
It doesn’t always appear as tho a local pol has been removed. The sheriffs who don’t comply will indeed be removed.
10,000 men have had their firearms taken in 17 states and nobody is doing anything. I have my doubts.
On December 6, 2019 at 9:31 am, Roger J said:
I am glad to see Virginia counties standing up against Governor Blackface, and his twin, AG Blackface, but these are symbolic resolutions. A real action with teeth would order the Sheriff to arrest any LEO attempting to enforce an unconstitutional gun law, and have provisions for prosecution of the lawbreaker.